Tiles are known for their durability and low maintenance. However, tiles can eventually crack when exposed to pressure changes, normal ageing or a sharp blow from a heavy object.
Maybe you were minding your own business making dinner and dropped your large Paella cooking pan on the floor. Thankfully, the food is still intact and smells amazing, but there is some bad news… a crack on the floor tile. Some good news is that it was only a hairline crack.
Even though it was such a small crack, you kept thinking about it and it even felt like it was looking at you every time you walked by. It’s time to do something about it. That’s where we come in – continue reading to figure out how to make this sight for sore eyes gone for good.
How to repair a hairline tile crack
If the tile in question simply has a small hairline crack, there is a temporary solution – to cover it with paint.

- Find a paint that matches the colour of the tile and mix it with tile filler.
- Clean the tile with a cloth and soapy water, rinse it and allow it to completely dry.
- Carefully paint the crack with a small brush or a cotton bud.
How to repair a deeper tile crack
If the tile crack is deeper than a hairline or if the tile has broken into two pieces, we would recommend removing the tile and replacing it for a new one.

- Place tape around the surrounding tiles to prevent any damage.
- Remove the cracked tile’s grout with a grout remover.
- Carefully drill holes into the tile. (Don’t drill too deeply, you only want to loosen the tile)
- Gently chip the damaged tile away and remove any old adhesive from underneath.
- Clean the area before laying a new tile.

6. Put adhesive on the back of the tile and fit it in place.
7. Fill the joints with new grout, wait for it to settle and then clean any excess off.
If you don’t feel confident enough carrying out this task, we are here to help. At the Handy Squad, we have a team of highly experienced London tilers who will help you with any tiling needs you require. Request a free quote today by filling our online booking form or give us a call on 0800-0-12-12-12.
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Our aim is to provide you with clear and correct instructions, so that you can easily complete any DIY project you desire. However, please note that the information we provide should only be used as a guideline and that some information within the text may not be entirely accurate.
When using our articles for information and advice, please note that it is your own responsibility to determine whether you are capable of undertaking and executing the task you wish to complete.
Before starting a DIY task, it is essential that you inform yourself of any existing building, gas, water and electrical works regulations. If you were to have any further concerns, we recommend that you complete additional research and/or contact the necessary professional body.
We also strongly recommend that a qualified tradesperson completes the relevant safety tests and checks on any DIY work you have completed.
The post How to repair a broken tile appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.