Month: January 2024

Signs That You Should Replace Your Epoxy Floor

Blog submitted by The Garage Store in Calgary.

Epoxy flooring is a popular choice for garage surfaces due to its durability, resistance, and aesthetic appeal. When installed by skilled epoxy floor installers, it can withstand the daily wear and tear of a busy garage environment. However, like any flooring material, epoxy does have a lifespan, and recognizing the signs of wear and tear is crucial in maintaining a functional and visually appealing garage space. Let’s look at some of the key indicators that it might be time to consider replacing your epoxy floor.

Table of Contents

How long do epoxy floors last?

Epoxy floors are well-known for their longevity, even in tough garage environments. The lifespan is influenced by several factors, including ambient conditions, usage frequency, and the type of activities taking place on it.

Typically, a well-installed epoxy floor can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years, delivering an excellent return on your initial investment – as most home renovations do. So, if you’ve been in the same home for this long and still haven’t replaced the epoxy floor, or it’s been over a decade since you last did, it’s probably time to consider an upgrade.

Epoxy floor installers in Calgary

Ready to transform your garage with a new epoxy floor? It’s worth it to enlist the expertise of professional installers. The Garage Store takes pride in being among the best epoxy floor installers in Calgary and the surrounding communities. Our commitment extends beyond just installing a new floor – we ensure that every square inch not only looks impressive but is also suited to your needs and built to withstand the demands of the environment.

Why choose epoxy flooring?

Pros of Epoxy Floors

  • Compared to concrete, epoxy has a much brighter and cleaner appearance. For extra style, you can even put in coloured chips during the application to match the surrounding area.
  • Epoxy is not sticky, and not much will adhere to its surface. This makes it easy to clean and maintain.
  • Epoxy is a great way to protect underlying substrates from moisture and damage, provided that it is covered with a good quality sealant.
  • Per square foot, epoxy is generally very affordable, and the ROI is high. This will depend quite a bit on the product and the environment, though.
  • Different types of epoxies come with different resistances to things like pressure, heat, moisture, chemicals, and electricity. Choose the one that’s best for you, and your epoxy will easily last over a decade.

Cons of Epoxy Floors

  • It’s not indestructible. Heavy, concentrated impacts can lead to peeling and cracking, causing damage that will eventually need replacing.
  • Some types have little friction, especially if they get wet. It’s recommended to add anti-slip compounds to the top layers of these.
  • Most epoxies are not aliphatic – meaning that, in the presence of UV light, they go yellow as they age over time.
  • The application takes a lot of dedicated preparation and proper protective gear to work around the chemical fumes and dust. Plus, some types may take days to fully cure. Fluctuating weather and humidity in that time may lead to bubbles, peeling, or adhesion issues. It’s best to leave it to the professional epoxy floor installers!

 Signs You Should Replace Your Epoxy Floor

It’s getting faded and yellow.

Epoxy flooring may experience fading and discolouration over time, primarily due to UV damage from sunlight exposure or chemical reactions with elements in moisture and the air. Look for a loss of “gloss” and uneven colour patterns.

Fading diminishes the floor’s aesthetic appeal and may also be a sign of further failures on the horizon. So, if you notice yellowing, replacement may be necessary to keep your garage going strong. Pros like those at The Garage Store can help determine the extent of damage and guide an appropriate response.

There are visible cracks and fractures.

Cracks and fractures in epoxy flooring are critical indicators of underlying damage. These issues can arise from factors such as heavy loads, freeze/thaw cycles, and large impacts.

While minor surface cracks can usually be spot-repaired, widespread or deep fractures that compromise the structural integrity of the floor will require a total replacement.

The surface is becoming pitted and degraded.

Pitting is the formation of small craters or depressions on the surface of epoxy flooring. This deterioration is often caused by chemical exposure, abrasive materials, rocks stuck in tires, and other wear and tear over time. If left unaddressed, these pits can collect water and other fluids, leading to further damage that affects both aesthetics and structural integrity. Depending on the severity, fixing this may involve repairs, protective coatings, or, in severe cases, complete floor replacement.

Moisture and water are seeping in.

Despite epoxy flooring’s inherent resistance to moisture, cracks in the concrete substrate or the epoxy barrier can compromise the floor’s effectiveness. Look for persistent water pooling, dampness, or discolouration beneath the epoxy coating.

If this occurs, it’s a sign that the sealant and barriers are not as strong as they once were. Remediation will mitigate the risk, but full replacements might be necessary if the damage is already done.

The layers are separating (delaminating).

Delamination is the separation of the epoxy floor coating from the underlying concrete surface. It’s a critical issue arising from poor installation, moisture intrusion, or improper curing. When it happens, you’ll see visible peeling, loss of gloss, and surface unevenness as the process weakens the epoxy floor and allows moisture damage to the concrete below. Remediation involves thorough substrate preparation, proper moisture management, and an expert assessment by epoxy floor installers to determine the extent of damage. In severe cases, complete floor replacement may be recommended to ensure long-term durability and maintain a visually appealing garage surface.

The surface is harder to clean and maintain.

Epoxy flooring is known for easy maintenance. If it gets harder to clean than before, this is a sign that there are issues on and under the surface – wear, increased porosity, and degradation of sealants. Persistent stains and a loss of glossiness are key indicators that the epoxy coating may be aged or worn.

These issues can start small but go on to compromise durability in a big way. Fixing them may require nothing more than a good cleaning of a particular spill, but it may also need new sealants or a new surface entirely.

The surface is unstable or uneven.

The presence of noticeable structural instability, such as sagging or unevenness, in epoxy flooring, is often a sign of a bigger issue with the concrete base. This may simply be some bad luck due to shifts in the building’s foundation, influenced by soil settlement or other unforeseen factors.

Uneven or unstable floors can cause drainage issues or cracking, especially if you park heavy vehicles on top. Ignoring these problems poses the risk of further damage – to you, the floor, and your possessions that may be stored nearby.

Replacing Your Garage Epoxy Floor

Replacing the epoxy floors in your Calgary garage can be a game-changer. If you want the experts to handle it, the first step in giving your garage a makeover (whether it’s just the floor or also the cabinets, storage, decor, or accessories) is to chat with us at The Garage Store for a free consultation.

We’ll figure out what suits your needs, measure things up, and give you a price quote for the awesome results you’re looking for. Then, it’s as simple as picking the style you like, and we’ll take care of everything else. Don’t settle for anything less than the best!

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How to safely remove mould from your home

Blog submitted by EnviroFog Solutions in Calgary.

Why is there mould growth in my home?

Mould is a common household issue in Alberta due to its cold climate and the fact that we build our homes tight to be energy efficient. Homeowners producing high humidity and cold temperatures create a unique problem for Alberta residents. If you live in Alberta, you’ve likely had mould on one or more of your surfaces and thought nothing of it. You’ve probably wiped it down with bleach, painted over it, and have gotten tired of it constantly growing back and just let it do its own thing.

But why does this happen? In any home, there are multiple contributing factors. It could be high condensation, lack of ventilation, structural issues like inadequate insulation, faulty plumbing, cracked foundation or an unnoticed water event. However it happened, it’s not fun. It leads to musty smells, awful stains, and, ultimately, a potential host of potential health risks. If you’ve found mould in or on the walls in your home – black mould or any other colour, for that matter – it’s vital to identify the cause or source of its growth and resolve the issue. Getting rid of mould promptly, using the correct techniques and process, gives you the best process of returning your living environment in your home to a healthy home.

If you detect mould, you should call us for mould removal in Calgary as soon as possible. At EnviroFog Solutions Inc, we see mould day in and day out (very glamorous I know) and have seen some very common similarities in the reasons for mould growth based on the space in the home. We’ve listed a few below for your benefit;

Bathroom walls

Mould thrives in damp and humid environments, making bathrooms a prime location for growth. Poor ventilation, steam from hot showers, and lingering water on surfaces can all contribute to mould formation on bathroom walls, baseboards and ceilings. If a bathroom fan is not properly functioning or it’s not used during and after showers or baths, the moisture in the air has nowhere to go. The warm, humid air condenses onto the colder bathroom walls. Over time, the moist walls will become damp. This is the optimum breeding ground for mould as it “eats” both moisture and the cellulose in common building materials like drywall, wallpaper or paint.

Bedroom walls

Mould can appear on bedroom walls due to elevated indoor humidity levels, then condensation from temperature differences between the indoor and outdoor environment, especially in poorly insulated rooms. High humidity levels, lack of ventilation, and damp items like wet laundry (air drying) can also contribute to mould growth in bedrooms. Humans raise the humidity levels within a room – warm bodies, breathing, sweat, etc. Another common cause of mould on bedroom walls is furniture (mattresses) resting against cold exterior walls or too many personal belongings prohibiting airflow to an external wall. That is to say, the warm, moist air will condense on the much colder surface, resulting in a damp internal wall. Moving furniture away from walls can reveal mould growth. This can exacerbate mould growth as furniture pressed up against bedroom walls can hinder any ventilation.

Kitchen walls

Kitchens are another common area for mould growth due to the moisture produced by cooking, washing dishes, drying clothes indoors and other daily activities. Poor ventilation or not using hood fans while cooking, opening windows and doors whenever possible, insufficient insulation, and water leaks can all lead to mould appearing in kitchens. Again, the majority of examples used above show the strong link between condensation and mould.

Basement walls

You may also find mould growing in an otherwise random location where you wouldn’t anticipate seeing mould on a wall. This can be caused by phenomena like rising damp, older homes with no vapour barrier under their concrete slab, therefore penetrating damp, bridging, etc. Structural damage, exterior grading issues or inadequate maintenance to the environment surrounding your property can lead to the introduction of moisture and damp inside your home. This may result in a damp patch or even an entire damp wall. So whether it’s caused by condensation or water intrusion problems, you can find mould often found in or on walls.

Keep in mind that every scenario is different, and these by no means account for all the situations contributing to mould growth. The best first step for any homeowner (barring any urgent situations) is to have a professional conduct an inspection. Mould cannot grow without excess moisture, so hunting down the source of moisture gives you an excellent starting point for resolution. Contacting a professional is highly recommended. They’ll have invested in the correct tools and have the associated experience of hundreds of homes to confidently identify all the variables involved.

The dangers of DIY mould removal: why bleach is not the answer

So you’ve found the source of the mould – what next? Many unofficial internet sources would tell you to just wipe mould down with bleach and call it a day. That’s likely what your landlords in the past have done for you, so it must be correct, right? Wrong. Not only is bleach highly ineffective, but it also introduces more harmful byproducts into your airspace. More on that later.

We believe that this myth of bleach being the solution has been perpetuated by “quick-fixers,” people who just want to get the problem out of their hair as easily as possible. Bleach just bleaches or discolours mould – removes the pigment so that it isn’t dark and visible anymore. The roots are still there, growing, and they will come back, sometimes with a vengeance. Bleach makes mould angry sending harmful spores airborne into your breathing space, it rapidly releases millions of spores into the air in an effort to recolonize somewhere else. These, along with the VOCs in Bleach, make for a 1-2 punch of respiratory irritants. With these spores now contaminating your airspace, you’ve got a much higher likelihood of mould landing and colonizing in other areas of your home or in the HVAC system.

That’s why we highly recommend professional remediation as soon as mould becomes an issue in your home.

Call in the experts: The mould removal process

What should you expect when hiring a mould remediator? Many companies are out there, but they will all have a similar process (or should). A qualified and experienced mould remediator will be able to stop mould permanently in a safe, controlled manner. They’ll also be able to advise a unique moisture management plan for your home so you can keep things under control in the future. The typical process should follow something like below;

Mould Inspection

As we mentioned above, the first and most important part of long-term remediation is to identify the source of mould growth. Our EnviroFog technicians will come to your home and find the source of the moisture, assess the severity of the issues and recommend the next steps based on the situation specific to your home. Learn more about our mould inspection services in Calgary.

Pre-Treatment Air Quality Tests (Spore Trap sample and non-cultured)

EnviroFog Technicians will take an air sample in rooms of concern or where water events occurred in the past or where occupants are displaying mould-related symptoms. This data will show you how severe the problem is in the home. Third-party lab reports will show what types of mould and how much of each.

Mould Removal and Remediation

Our Certified Mold Professionals will ensure that all the mould has been properly killed or denatured using a fungicidal agent via our Patented Dry Fog technology. In order to effectively eliminate mould from an entire home and HVAC system, it has to be applied properly, for the correct amount of time, in order to ensure a full kill. This is extremely important because ALL mould must be treated correctly in order to ensure it doesn’t return. We remove all contaminated materials prior to our Dry Fogging process.

Post-Treatment Air Tests (Cultured)

Once the remediation is complete, they’ll take another air test in the area as the Pre-Treatment AQT to compare to the before and after air tests. This ensures job completion and that they’ve effectively removed the mould. These 2 lab reports give you documentation to keep on file.

Why is EnviroFog DIFFERENT from “Traditional only” Remediation?

We’re biased here, obviously. But our mould remediation process is so different; we’ve actually secured patents on it, and it’s helped tens of thousands of families worldwide. The key difference is in our dry fog technology. Where traditional remediators would just demolish and spot-treat a localized area, we treat the entire home and its HVAC system. This process ensures that all hidden mould, both airborne and surface mould, is eradicated and that the house is completely reset to safe levels.

We can do this because, unlike other remediators, we essentially “pressure-cook” the whole home with our non-toxic sterilant. This kills everything in the air and on every surface, giving a guaranteed result, every time. If you. want to know more about how we’re different, call us at 403-710-2269 or visit us at

The Road to Recovery: Restoring your home to a safe haven

In summary, mould growth on walls or elsewhere in a home is extremely common in homes across Alberta and is ugly, unsightly, and also potentially very unhealthy. It’s important to take action once you have mould growth in your home because once it’s visible, you likely have some underlying issues that need resolution. You want to be sure that you’ve nailed the source of the issue. Hiring a mould professional to inspect, test and remediate ( via EnviroFog Solutions) is a great way to ensure that your mould problem is eliminated and your home is healthy…once again!

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What is concrete coring and what is it used for?

Extra wires, pipes, or ducts call for extra space. And those systems, like HVAC, plumbing, or electrical, can use space within your home’s concrete. Concrete coring, or concrete core drilling, is a method that allows concrete contractors to run these systems through the space.

Concrete core drilling requires extensive training, experience, and overall precision. Houses are supported by the concrete slabs in the foundation. These concrete slabs need to remain structurally sound after the coring is complete. Concrete coring services are required for three main types of home renovations. This is important to consider as many concrete companies in Edmonton may not offer this specialized service.

Canwest Concrete Cutting & Coring in Edmonton offers residential coring services around the city and in Leduc. Plus, CanWest includes their professional concrete scanning services. This ensures no objects, cables, wires, or pipes are affected during the coring process. The scanning will tell CanWest exactly where to create the holes in the concrete.

The top reasons to hire a concrete coring company in Edmonton

There are a few different types of renovations that may require concrete coring. Often, large-scale renovations for apartments, condo buildings, or commercial buildings will require multiple concrete cores to be made throughout the building. For residential renovations, there are three main reasons why you might need to hire a top concrete company in Edmonton like CanWest. No matter the size or scale of the concrete coring needed, CanWest Concrete Cutting & Coring has access to diamond drills and bits in various sizes.

HVAC renovations: The concrete coring may be used to make room for running ducting through a home. Plus, HVAC systems may add more wiring or plumbing lines around your home, which also call for coring.

Plumbing renovations: CanWest’s precision concrete drilling and coring services will create holes just large enough to fit any plumbing pipe.

Electrical renovations: Homes require an increasingly large amount of wiring. Additions like EV charging ports, smart home automation systems, and security may all require extra wiring. CanWest’s concrete coring services will ensure all these new and additional wires are out of sight and run properly through concrete slabs.

Concrete in Edmonton

CanWest Concrete Cutting & Coring offers a variety of services for residential and commercial purposes. These services are backed by over 40 years of experience and an industry-leading safety program. CanWest offers its coring services alongside a host of other helpful concrete renovations. These additional concrete renovations around the home include walkway, driveway, or patio replacements and fixes.

In addition to the concrete services, CanWest also provides demolitions, excavations, and basement window installations. CanWest’s commercial services include an array of small-scale and large-scale services. These include concrete work for parking lots, airport runways, sidewalks, streets, and roads.

Contact Canwest Concrete Cutting and Coring in Edmonton today.

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10 Best Basement Renovation Companies in Toronto

The Best Basement Renovation Companies in Toronto Basement renovations can nearly double your home’s living space and are well worth the cost and effort. However, basement renovations should be completed by experienced professionals. The basement is the home’s foundation. This means any basement renovations require close attention to structural details. Additionally, basement renovations and development often involve multiple trades like framers, finishers, electricians, or plumbers. A trusted basement renovation company will assist with design and project management and ensure your basement renovation has a good return on investment.

The best basement renovation companies in Toronto pay attention to all construction details. So whether you’re after a minor upgrade like new basement flooring, for example, or a complete basement overhaul, these companies are here to help!

In no particular order, here is a list of the best Toronto basement renovation companies:

Table of Contents

1. The Renovators of Canada 


T-ROC, or The Renovators of Canada, has provided professional renovation services for over 20 years. As a general contracting company, T-ROC can assist with basements and beyond. But to be more specific, T-ROC’s basement renovation services include various options. For example, they help withstand basement renovations, redesigns, and development for rental suites.

No matter your dream for your basement, The Renovators of Canada have the tools and experience to make it a reality.

Key Services & Features

– Major home renovations
– Basement renovations or basement development
– Kitchen and bathroom renovations
– Garden suites, laneway suites, and home additions
– Offer financing on home renovation services
– 10 year craftsmanship warranties
– Project management and general contracting

Customer Feedback

Completely renovated our small condo kitchen with custom cabinets and built-in appliances. T-ROC team, including Nasser and Namrata, were very friendly, flexible, and professional. A designer spent a good amount of time with my spouse and I to determine our preferences, and she provided us with a few different options. The quality of all the work (electrical, plumbing, cabinetry, and countertop/backsplash installation) was excellent.

-Tim, Google

2. Home Guru Inc.


The Home Guru aims to create a stress-free renovation process for Toronto homeowners. Home Guru Inc. is a full-service interior renovation company with multiple awards which speak to the company’s success. Home Guru Inc. creates that stress-free and straightforward process, starting with virtual consultations and free estimates. Furthermore, they continue by delivering those services on budget and on time.

Home Guru Inc. is a trusted basement renovation expert in Toronto. And their services apply to the entire GTA!

Key Services & Features

– Basement renovations or basement development
– Home additions
– Laneway homes
– New home construction
– Custom new home construction
– Service the greater Toronto area
– Award-winning renovations
– Free estimates
– Major home renovations

Customer Feedback

Excellent general contractor to work with! Very approachable and respectful of trades, well organized and always pays on time. It is pleasure working with Home Guru on their projects.

-Peter, Google

3. Custom Basement Development

Custom Basement Development is one of the top basement renovation companies in Toronto and one of the few focusing solely on basements. These basement-focused experts can transform any old space into something practical and functional. Custom Basement Development is are general contractor, too. This means they’ll oversee and manage all basement renovation or development aspects.

So, no matter your basement goals, Custom Basement Development in Toronto has a solution. For example, their project managers oversee plumbing for bars, bathrooms, or basement kitchens. Contact Custom Basement Development for a free project estimate.

Key Services & Features

– Free estimates
– Basement renovations or basement development
– Custom basement designs and layouts
– Services in Toronto, Ottawa, and Western Canada
– Project management and general contracting
– Kitchen, bathroom, and wet bar installation
– Finishing work and carpentry

Customer Feedback

Contact Custom Basement Development to leave positive feedback on their services.

4. AiReno Home

The team at AiReno in Toronto believes the possibilities are endless when it comes to your new basement. Allow their professionals to show you the endless renovation ideas that their custom services can bring to life. As a general contractor and significant renovation company, AiReno also believes in sticking to your vision. So whether that vision is for a basement, a bedroom, a bathroom, or a kitchen, AiReno can help.

In addition, before any work begins, AiReno provides detailed 3D renderings of the new space. You’ll be able to truly envision your new basement before any ground is broken. Plus, AiReno offers commercial renovations and custom home design or construction.

Key Services & Features

– Basement renovations or basement development
– Major home renovations
– Kitchen and bathroom renovations
– Home additions
– Custom basement designs and layouts
– Soundproofing for basement ceilings
– Project management and general contracting

Customer Feedback

Excellent job! They did renovation for my house. The whole team is very responsible and professional. My family were really satisfied with their work. Recommend it~

-Aria, Google

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5. Assured Basements

With Assured Basements, Toronto homeowners get full-service contractors focused on basement renovations. The team at Assured Basements sees the potential in all basements. They see these spaces as new home theatres, extra living rooms, or play spaces for kids. And no matter how you envision your new basement space, Assured will make it happen. But beyond their commitment to quality basement renovations, Assured is also committed to a high ethical standard.

Interested in a bit of DIY basement work? Assured Basements offer a unique Shell Solution. They’ll complete the basic framing, drywall, plumbing, and electrical, and you complete the rest!

Key Services & Features

– Basement renovations or basement development
– Restoration services for older basements
– Remodelling and refinishing for existing basements
– 2-year service warranty and 30-year warranty on all flooring
– Offer financing
– Shell basement construction for DIY basement development

Customer Feedback

I had my basement done by these guys about 2 months ago now. I want to say I’m still impressed by the service
Hollis was amazing, he guided me through everything and hand held me through the entire process
The best positive thing about them is that they really spend the time designing the basement and all the 3-D model they provided me really helped me understand what they were offering.
I also felt safe, knowing that all their trucks are branded and they don’t use random subcontractors.
All in all, I love hosting guests in my basement. It’s really become the best part of our home.

-Michelle, Google

6. Harmony Basements

Harmony Basements - Basement Renovations Company

Diego Botia started Harmony Basement about 20 years ago. He originally created in the industry as an architect and now runs Harmony Basements as a renovation contractor. He and his Harmony team have solutions for any basement needs! Harmony Basements uses a detailed design and consultation process to create something suited to your needs. The design team offers 3D visual rendering of basement renovation plans.

While not in their name, Harmony Basements in Toronto also offers kitchen and bathroom renovations, laneway, and garden suite construction.

Key Services & Features

– Basement renovations or basement development
– Garden suites and laneway suites
– Project management and general contracting
– Kitchen and bathroom renovations
– Waterproofing
– Offer financing
– Remodelling and refinishing for existing basements
– Provide 3D renderings

Customer Feedback

Amazing service end to end.
Our family needed additional living space as we are expecting our third child.
We needed a reliable, thorough, organized and cost efficient company that could facilitate all the items we needed for our basement.
With luck, we were able to connect with Diego and the team at Harmony Basements just before Christmas to get work estimated and started just in time for the holidays.
Every trade was punctual and did an amazing job. They were able to meet the completion timeline without any major delays.
Would definitely recommend Harmony Basements to friends and family.

-Frances, Google

7. Astaneh Construction

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Astaneh Construction has built a reputation for going above and beyond industry standards in home renovations. As a home and basement renovation company in Toronto, Astanah Construction strives to exceed homeowner expectations every step of the way. From basement redesign to minor tweaks and renovations to project management, Asanteh ensures every detail is correct.

Additionally, as a technology-driven company, Asanteh always looks for new processes and trends to save you time and money on basement renovations.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen and bathroom renovations
– Project management and general contracting
– Major home renovations
– Basement renovations or basement development
– Free consultations
– Home additions

Customer Feedback

I recently had the pleasure of working with Astaneh Construction for a full home renovation project, and I must say that my experience with them was nothing short of outstanding. From the initial consultation to the final walk-through, their professionalism, craftsmanship, and attention to detail were truly impressive.

One of the most remarkable aspects of working with Astaneh Construction was their ability to understand and bring to life my vision for the renovated space.

-Maryam, Google

8. Top Notch Renovations

No photo description available.

The Top Notch team has over 25 years of renovating old and new homes in Toronto. Top Notch Renovations is a design-build home renovation company with the experience to transform any basement space. And if the whole home needs an upgrade, couple Top Notch’s basement renovation services with their primary renovation services. These apply to any room of the house.

For your basement space, bathroom, kitchen, and more, Top Notch delivers high levels of craftsmanship to build out your ideas and visions.

Key Services & Features

– Locally owned renovation company in Toronto
– Basement renovations or basement development
– Major home renovations
– Kitchen and bathroom renovations
– Project management and general contracting
– Home and basement restorations
– Commercial renovations
– Custom basement designs and layouts

Customer Feedback

Alex and his team fully renovated my 145 year old vintage family home. They did an awesome job. Alex walked us through the many challenges and surprises that popped up along the way with confidence and support. Alex was always prompt and professional returning my calls and inquiries. Thank you Alex and your team for bringing my family home up to date beautifully.

-Lucia, Google

9. General Renovation

GR General Renovation LOGO - PNG.png

General Renovation was started in 2017 in Toronto by Mr. Spyros Pakos. Mr. Pakos has a decade’s experience completing beautiful renovations in Toronto. Plus, he spent decades in his home country of Greece, mastering various home renovation details. His team grew from a small renovation company to a full, large-scale contractor. General Renovation built its reputation on professionalism and high levels of quality craftsmanship.

Their list of services includes basement renovations and developments. They understand the basement is part of your dream home and will help you see the potential for this extra space.

Key Services & Features

– Interior and exterior home renovations
– Basement renovations or basement development
– Deck and fence construction
– Metal framing
– Painting
– Major home renovations
– Kitchen and bathroom renovations
– Project management and general contracting

Customer Feedback

I’ve had renovations done in the past and never have I been so impressed by the workmanship, customer service (not only do they arrive on time but they’re early!), cleanliness and overall crew as I have been with GR General Renovations. 5 stars is not enough!

-Ronit, Facebook

10. M&D Buildings

M&D Buildings is a top basement renovation company in Toronto for many reasons. First, M&D Buildings is focused on customer satisfaction for every step of the project, no matter the type of renovation. Secondly, M&D Buildings employs highly skilled experts while sourcing the latest tools and trade technologies. And last (but not least), the local builders always maintain honest and transparent communication throughout renovations.

Key Services & Features

– Major home renovations
– Basement renovations or basement development
– Home additions
– Kitchen and bathroom renovations
– Project management and general contracting
– Commercial renovations
– Custom basement designs and layouts
– Home and basement restorations
– Interior and exterior home renovations

Customer Feedback

I had two bathroom renovations happening at the same time. M & D Builders provides great customer service, they are punctual and professional and Mike always returned calls and texts. Workers were careful to cover furniture and floors and were trustworty and always on time. The professionals that were working on the two bathrooms were not only professionals, but they were also perfectionists. I was very pleased with the finished product and super happy that I finally replaced one of my bathtubs with a walk in shower.–Mary, Houzz

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The 10 Best Kitchen Remodel Contractors in Winnipeg

The Best Kitchen Remodel Contractors in Winnipeg

We spend a lot of time in our kitchens. That’s why so many homeowners dream of having a kitchen that looks fabulous and functions at its best. The state of the kitchen can really impact the way you feel about your home. On top of this, newly renovated kitchens will increase your property value and the marketability of your home should you choose to sell.

If you’re looking for a kitchen remodel contractor in Winnipeg, look no further. The below list of contractors will help you find a trustworthy company that is perfect for you and your home.

Table of Contents

In no particular order, here is a list of the best Winnipeg kitchen remodel contractors:

1. CJH Projects

CJH Projects is one of Winnipeg’s top general contractors. They specialize in completing fresh and updated kitchen renovations in Winnipeg. They are also known for its bathroom remodels and other interior renovation services. On top of this, CJH Projects offers a range of other services, including carpentry and framing. They also work on and replace decks, fences and sheds and provide woodworking services and roofing and siding.

CJH Projects offers soffit, fascia and eavestrough services. In addition, this company has experience working with cultured stone. They can also provide concrete repair services too. If you have a kitchen remodel in mind, contact CJH Projects! They enjoy renovating kitchens and always strive to exceed client expectations.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen renovation services
– Interior and exterior home renovation
– Woodworking
– Roofing and siding
– Carpentry and framing
– Decks, fences, sheds and more!
– Concrete
– Soffit/fascia and eaves

Customer Feedback

CJH delivers efficient quality work. I would definitely recommend CJH Projects.

– Stephane Thurston, Facebook

2. Atrifex Custom Contracting

Artifex Custom Contracting gets its name from the Latin word Artifex, which means skilled craftsman or master of an art. In keeping with its name, this company dedicates itself to high-quality workmanship. On top of this, its craftsmen always strive for the highest standards for their clients. Creating new and well-loved spaces for homeowners drives Artifex Custom Contracting to go above and beyond with each project.

Artifex Custom Contracting specializes in kitchen remodels in Winnipeg. Moreover, they can use their years of experience to create custom designs. Basement remodelling is another specialty. They also take pride in their eco-friendly construction practices. Artifex Custom Contracting stands behind excellent time management and safe construction practices.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen renovation services
– Interior home construction and renovation
– Basement Remodelling
– Custom renovations and design
– Light commercial work
– Exterior services: roofing, siding, exterior finishes
– Free Consultation

Customer Feedback

Huge rave to the team at Artifex! Quick responses, serviced within 12hr of contacting, very knowledgeable, and professional. I’ll definitely be using this company in the future, and have no hesitation recommending them.

– Vik, Google

3. Craved Renovations

Craved Renovations wants you to feel like the star of your home. That’s why they focus on building unique plans for each client. This way, they can ensure you get an individualized design that suits your needs. Communication is a cornerstone of their business. Furthermore, they strive for excellent customer service and quality workmanship.

Craved Renovations specializes in custom kitchen remodels in Winnipeg. Additionally, they provide bathroom and living room renovation services, home additions, and decks. They offer other exterior renovation services and can also design and renovate various rooms in the home.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen renovation services
– Interior and exterior home construction and renovation
– Bathroom renovations
– Custom renovations and design
– Basement remodels
– Decks and home additions
– Free Consultation

Customer Feedback

This company is still in the process of collecting reviews. Be one of the first to leave a review for them!

Just Right Renovations has been renovating homes in Winnipeg since 2002. Owner Allan Rebeck uses a team of skilled trades professionals to work with on all projects. This way, Just Right Renovations can provide convenience and outstanding results for all its clients. Just Right Renovations has worked on many custom design and renovation projects. And, through the years, it has perfected its processes so it can continue to deliver finished work on time and within budget.

Just Right Renovations offers a range of renovation services, including kitchen, bathroom, basement, and flooring renovations. They also offer painting and finishing services. In addition, decks, fences and garages are also part of their roster.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen renovation services
– Interior and exterior home construction and renovation
– Bathroom renovations
– Custom renovations and design
– Basement remodels and flooring
– Garages and special projects
– Decks and fences
– Free Consultation

Customer Feedback

We are extremely pleased with our new bathroom — it looks amazing! We would recommend Allan for any renovation you may have.

– Joelle

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5. Jeffrey Building Services

President of Jeffrey Building Services, Mark Jeffrey, believes you’re only as good as your last job. Frank Tino, Vice President of Jeffrey Building Services, strives to offer every client the best building experience possible. Together, Tino and Jefferey deliver high-quality renovation and construction services to homeowners. Moreover, they aim to make the most of whatever budget you are working with. This will lead to stress-free and outstanding results.

Jeffery Building Services provides full-service renovations to clients in Winnipeg. This includes full kitchen remodels. In addition, they provide both basement development and home addition services. High-quality materials and excellent trade services are key components of their business model.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen and bathroom renovation services
– Interior home construction and renovation
– Custom carpentry
– Concept to completion
– Basement remodels
– Framing
– Free Consultation

Customer Feedback

Fully renovated and remodelled our basement and did a fantastic job. Mark worked with us on design and budget every step of the way. Even when unexpected issues came up as they do in a 50 year old house, Mark was able to come up with innovative and cost effective solutions and fix things right. I will definitely be hiring Mark and his team again for any future renos.

– Jeff Fedrau, Google

6. Grindstone Renovations Ltd.

Grindstone Renovations Ltd. believes that your home renovations should look good. However, they should also improve your quality of life. Grindstone Renovations Ltd. advises its clients on practicality and aesthetics. Furthermore, they assert that great communication is the key to success for any project. Grindstone Renovations Ltd. works with a three-step process. First, they use the consultation phase to get clear about the design, budget and timelines. Next, the company will move your project into the preliminary construction planning stage. Lastly, the build phase begins. A project manager will walk you through each step of the building process.

Grindstone Renovations Ltd. works on a variety of renovation projects. They offer kitchen, bathroom, and living room renovations, basement development services and more.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen and bathroom renovation services
– Interior home construction and renovation
– Concept to completion
– Basement remodels
– Luxury remodels
– Free Consultation

Customer Feedback

Grindstone did an amazing job on our basement build. We couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. The team was very professional, punctual and came in right on budget. Liked them so much we got them to do some remodelling on our upstairs bathroom. We have nothing but great things to say about the Grindstone team and will definitely be using them for any future renovations.

– Isabell Kay, Google

7. TenTen Kitchens & Contracting

At TenTen Kitchens & Contracting, kitchen renovations are their specialty. This company commits to building gorgeous kitchens for its clients. Also, the company uses a team of carpenters and sub-trades to offer high-quality work and fabulous results. When you’re ready to begin, TenTen Kitchens & Contracting will use its expert interior design talent to plan the kitchen of your dreams.

On top of kitchen remodels, TenTen Kitchens & Contracting offers many other renovation services. These include bathroom remodelling and custom cabinet work. In addition, they specialize in whole-home renovation services. They want you to know that your home renovation doesn’t have to be stressful. Instead, they can make it a smooth and fun experience for you and your family.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen and bathroom renovation services
– Interior home construction and renovation
– Concept to completion
– Basement remodels
– Custom cabinetry
– Free Consultation

Customer Feedback

A wonderful team to work with and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the results! Barb and Al really listened and took into account our budget and what we wanted. The design choices and suggestions from Gillian were excellent. There was great communication and the work was carried out with care and attention to detail. We particularly appreciated the end-of-the-day clean-ups during the messiest parts of the renovation. Everyone who came to work at our home was professional, respectful, and nice. We love our new kitchen. Highly recommend!!!

– J Ghomeshi, Google

8. Kat Reno

Kat Reno is a leader in the renovation industry in Winnipeg. This company specializes in complete home and apartment renovations. In addition, they offer full kitchen renovations. With decades of experience, they can work on simple and complex renovation projects. Kat Reno is licensed, fully insured and has WCB coverage. On top of this, they commit to getting the job done one time and within budget.

Kat Reno offers full design-to-build services in Winnipeg. They also build sunrooms and pergolas. When it comes to kitchens, they can provide complete renovation services and also work on custom cabinetry. Additionally, Kat Reno supplies and installs Hunter Douglas blinds, shades, shutters and sheers. Bathroom renovations and building decks and fences are also part of their business.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen renovation services
– Interior and exterior home construction and renovation
– Bathroom renovations
– Custom renovations and design
– Basement remodels
– Sunrooms, pergolas, decks and fences
– Electric fireplace installation, tiling, painting and more!

Customer Feedback

Right from our initial meeting through to the completion of our kitchen reno, Kevin and Angie were a pleasure to deal with. Our reno was completed in a short period of time and on budget. When we had a question or concern, it was addressed promptly. Kevin coordinated all the trades work. They were great to deal with. Angie’s expertise on cabinetry, counter tops and flooring was much appreciated. They have a great team at KAT. They are professional and reliable.

– Mark, Google

9. Klassen Kitchens

Klassen Kitchens began 42 years ago when owner, Jake Klassen, took notice of a growing market for kitchen remodels. In the 80s, when outsourcing cabinetry began to get expensive, Klassen Kitchens decided to bring custom cabinetry and millwork in-house. Since then, they have continued to manufacture cabinets and offer millwork and full-spectrum kitchen renovations. Klassen Kitchens believes in serving their community. As a result, they commit to offering their clients the best service and quality workmanship possible. They also offer discounted rates to non-profit organizations, community centres, churches and other charitable organizations.

Regarding kitchen renovations, Klassen Kitchens is ready to build you the kitchen of your dreams. They work with each individual client to bring every vision to life. On top of this, they continue to use only the most talented designers and builders, including cabinet makers and other skilled craftsmen.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen renovation services
– Custom entertainment areas
– Bathroom renovations
– Custom bars
– Custom cabinetry
– Free Consultation

Customer Feedback

We just did a kitchen renovation with new cabinet facings from Kitchen Gallery. Our cabinets were purchased from Kitchen Gallery 30 years ago, and are still in excellent condition. When I called Lorne at Kitchen Gallery he immediately found the file with the cabinet dimensions, and the new doors and drawers were made from those drawings. A perfect fit! Lorne was great in helping us find material that suited our kitchen. The installers were artisans of the highest order, and very professional. We are very satisfied with the results.

– Mark Simkin

10. Gateway Kitchen & Bath

Gateway Kitchen + Bath is a full-service interior renovation company in Winnipeg. Honesty, accuracy, innovation and collaboration are the cornerstones of their business. Moreover, they always strive for quality workmanship. Great customer service is also something they stand behind. They use award-winning designers, engineers and woodworkers to deliver outstanding results on every project. They also offer lifetime warranties on all Gateway products.

Gateway Kitchen + Bath also provides custom cabinetry work to its clients. In addition, they offer custom bathroom renovations as well as other interior renovation services. Gateway Kitchen + Bath provides cutting-edge 3-D modelling and keep a positive track record for finishing projects within budget and on time.

Key Services & Features

– Kitchen renovation services
– Interior Design
– Custom cabinetry
– Project management

Customer Feedback

Hello. Our experience with Gateway Kitchen and Bath was exceptional , such a joy ! Jane Preston was fantastic from start to finish. We couldn’t be more happy with our mudroom Reno ! We loved the timeline chart that they provided us with. The trades came on the dates shown. The project was completed exactly on time. Amazing ! They were professional and the job sight was always kept clean. I would absolutely reccomend Gateway and will be having them back for future projects . Thank you so much, Jane.

– Brady, Houzz

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Effected by Storm Henk? We’re here to help.

Following the destructive passage of Storm Henk, we at The Handy Squad understand the challenges you’re facing. As your local, professional handyman service based in London, we’re ready to tackle the aftermath and assist in the swift restoration of your homes and gardens.

Don’t Delay, Call Today! 

In the face of widespread damage, prompt action is key. Call us now at 0800 012 1212 or book your job online to secure fast, reliable repairs. Our professional team is ready to assist with a range of services: 


0800-0 12 12 12
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The Impact of Storm Henk 

The recent storm has inflicted widespread damage, leaving many homes with uprooted trees, broken roofs, and extensive water damage. In this critical period, efficient and effective home repairs are essential to ensure safety and prevent further damage. Our team is prepared to provide the immediate support and expertise needed to address these issues. 

Our Repair Services 

To address the diverse needs following Storm Henk, we offer a range of services: 

  • Fence and Roof Repairs: Secure and protect your property with prompt repairs to storm-damaged fences and roofs, ensuring your home remains safe and intact.
  • Debris Clearance: Safely remove fallen trees and storm debris from your property, restoring access and safety to your outdoor spaces.
  • Gutter Cleaning and Repairs: Maintain your home’s integrity with our gutter cleaning and repair services, crucial for preventing water damage and preserving your property.
  • Window and Water Damage Repairs: Quickly address broken windows and interior water damage, restoring the comfort and condition of your home.
  • Comprehensive Property Check-Up: Post-storm, hidden damage can pose risks. Our team conducts thorough assessments to ensure all aspects of your home are secure and damage-free.

Why The Handy Squad? 

Choosing us means prioritising rapid, reliable, and expert service. We’re more than a repair service; we’re dedicated to helping our community recover and thrive, even in the face of adversity. Here’s why residents trust us: 

  • Local Expertise: Our deep understanding of London homes allows us to provide tailored, effective solutions. 
  • Rapid Response: Recognising the urgency of post-storm repairs, we’re committed to quick and effective service, ensuring peace of mind when it’s needed most. 
  • Proven Experience: Years of service in London have equipped us with the knowledge and skills to tackle any repair, big or small. 

In the aftermath of Storm Henk, you’re not alone. We’re here to help restore your home to its former comfort and safety. For reliable, efficient post-storm home repair services, call us directly at 0800 012 1212. Trust in our expert team to help you move forward into the new year with confidence and reassurance. 

The post Effected by Storm Henk? We’re here to help. appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.

The 5 Best Attic Restoration Companies in Winnipeg

Best Attic Restoration Companies in Winnipeg

It might be easier to forget about the attic of your home. They are out of sight and often out of mind. But, a home’s attic is a space crucial to how a home functions. Attics are essential in a home’s heating, cooling, and ventilation (HVAC). Because of these factors, attics also play a crucial role in energy efficiency and overall comfort for homeowners. So, while the attic might be out of sight, remember that any issues with HVAC systems could stem from the attic. When these issues show up, finding an attic restoration company is essential.

Problems in the attic are unique in a location like Winnipeg. The city’s harsh prairie winters and freeze-thaw cycle pose specific problems for local homeowners.

Table of Contents

What are the primary functions of an attic?

Home attics have many essential structural and functional elements inside them. Attics are built either inside or outside of the building envelope. When inside, the attic is considered “livable” and is part of the home’s regular heating and cooling. So, when the attic is outside the building envelope, it is not meant to act as a living space. This is the case with most attics in Winnipeg.

Support the roof

The attic’s rafters, battens, joists, and beams are critical in supporting a home’s roof. These wooden elements support the decking, underlay, and roofing materials like shingles, tiles, or metal sheets. Plus, these supports create the slope of the roof. That slope and wooden supports allow snow and rain to properly disperse off the roof.

Keeps the house warm in winter…

The insulation inside the attic floors or walls is the last stop for hot air as it rises. So, an attic’s insulation quality is paramount in keeping a home adequately warm over the winter. Hot air always rises. So, as it does, that final insulation barrier in the attic must adequately prevent the air from escaping. This insulation is also pivotal in keeping the attic ductwork at proper temperatures.

…and cool in the summer

The attic insulation and ventilation also ensure that no excess heat enters the house during the summer. So, if the insulation is not working correctly, the attic space overheats, as does the ductwork and vents.

Signs it is time to call an attic restoration company in Winnipeg

If you notice any of these problems showing up in your home, it is time to contact Winnipeg’s attic restoration companies.

Moisture damage on ceiling or walls

The moisture damage appears in many ways. This could include sagging in the walls, stains on the ceiling or walls, wood rot, or wet insulation. The best attic restoration companies in Winnipeg offer inspections for such issues. These companies are also roofing experts who provide services to fix the root cause of any moisture issue on the roof.

Tell-tale signs of pests

Pests come in many forms, including bugs, rodents, or small animals. And we call them pests because they can cause irritating or severe damage to homes. This is specifically the case for home attics where the pests go more easily unnoticed by homeowners. The signs that a pest has been around the attic include any scratch or bite damage to insulation, wood damage, droppings, and signs of nesting. While small, these creatures cause significant problems. Once the pest problem is under control. An attic restoration company will first asses and inspect the damage. These pests may cause enough damage to require new battens, rafters, insulation, or ducting.

Air conditioning or heating is overworked.

If you notice that your heating or air conditioning systems are working harder than they should, there could be problems in the attic. Signs that the HVAC systems are running inefficiently include unusually high energy bills, being unable to get the house warm in the winter, or not being able to get it cool in the summer. If your home’s temperature cannot be regulated, it is time to look at the attic. Contact a professional attic inspection company, and you’ll likely find that you have inadequate attic insulation or there are other issues up there.

Foul odours from above

Any of the issues mentioned above may cause foul odours to escape into the house. These smells may come from moisture damage, pest problems, too much heat, or too much cool air.

Excessive amounts of ice (ice damming)

This is one of the most straightforward attic issues for homeowners to identify. Plus, this is a critical issue for homeowners to be aware of in a climate like Winnipeg’s and Manitoba’s. Ice damming issues occur outside the home, usually where the roof meets the gutters. Ice damming is identified by excess ice and icicles forming on the roof’s edge. On a warmer day, the ice damming appears as water dripping (or, in more severe cases, pouring) off the roof or the side of the home.

Ice damming is caused by snow and ice melting against the roof’s surface, then running down to the edge and freezing. Over time, it can build up and cause significant damage. Most of the time, ice damming is prevented with proper insulation and ventilation in the attic.

In no particular order, here is a list of the best Winnipeg attic restoration companies.

1. CMM Operations

No photo description available.

The attic restoration services from CMM Operations are available in Winnipeg and other areas of Manitoba. There are several reasons why CMM Operations is one of Winnipeg’s top attic restoration companies. Their team of experts utilizes the latest in home inspection and renovation technology. With this, CMM Operations offers efficient attic restoration, framing, and inspections. Then, homeowners can combine the other services with attic restoration through CMM Operations. These include a complete attic inspection, interior framing for any room of the house, home repair services, and disposal.

Key Services & Features

– Attic restoration, including insulation and batt removal and insulation installation
– Residential framing
– Home inspections and repairs, including thermal imaging inspections
– Disposal services and bin rentals
– Window and door installations
– Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Customer Feedback

If you’ve had a chance to work with CMM Operations before on attic restorations, or any of their services, then be the first to leave them an online review!

2. Pristine Roofing & Siding

Winnipeg Roofing Company & Siding Contractors in Winnipeg MB | Pristine Roofing

Pristine Roofing & Siding is one of Winnipeg’s top roofing experts with in-depth knowledge of the roof, the attic, and more. Their home renovation professionals have served 10,000 homeowners over 20 years in business. They understand roofing from top to bottom and offer roofing installations, attic restorations, and attic repairs. With all and any work from Pristine Roofing & Siding, homeowners can count on close attention to detail and customer service. Moreover, they understand the value of your attic to your home, the issues that can arise, and how to efficiently address any attic problems. Those could include unwanted heat loss, ice damming, or too much moisture.

Key Services & Features

– Roofing and siding contractor
– Eavestrough, soffit, and fascia installations
– Attic restoration, including insulation and batt removal, duct work, sealing, and insulation installation
– Solutions for heat loss or ice damming and condensation issues
– Snow removal from roofs
– Over 20 years in business

Customer Feedback

I was very satisfied with the roof replacement done by Pristine. Our estimator (Andrew) was excellent to deal with, the crews were on-time and efficient, and there was very little to clean up afterward.

-Reid, Facebook

3. Advanced Insulation Inc.


Advanced Insulation Inc. is determined to keep up with the growing demands for energy-efficient homes and buildings. The Winnipeg attic restoration company provides various insulation products and application methods. Beyond this, they perform all the necessary steps for a complete attic restoration. Advanced Insulation Inc. has grown its positive reputation in the city for providing honesty, high levels of workmanship, and the latest in insulation. They offer all of this for homeowners, business owners, and owners of multi-family residences.

Key Services & Features

– Insulation installations with a variety of quality products
– Firestopping for commercial, industrial, or multi-family residential buildings
– Performance coating application
– Attic restoration, including insulation and batt removal and insulation installation
– Solutions for heat loss or ice damming and condensation issues

Customer Feedback

If you’ve already had a positive experience with Advanced Insulation Inc., then be the first to leave them an online review!

4. Oakwood Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. LTD.

The Oakwood Roofing team firmly believes that your home is your greatest asset. They take great care on any home renovation project to treat the home as if it were their own. Their care level shows in Oakwood’s customer service focus, competitive pricing, and quality materials. As a roofing contractor with over 40 years of experience, Oakwood Roofing has grown to be one of the best attic restoration companies in Winnipeg. Plus, many of their services are available for commercial clients as well.

Key Services & Features

– Roofing and siding contractor
– Eavestrough, soffit, and fascia installations
– Commercial and residential roofing
– Attic restoration
– Solutions for heat loss or ice damming and condensation issues
– Offer a wide variety of roofing materials
– Over 40 years in business

Customer Feedback

We spent a fair bit of time talking to roofing companies and researching their expertise. We decided on Oakwood and were not disappointed. They took on an extremely difficult job for us. Log homes come with “interesting” construction requirements as logs are beautifully unconventional! Oakwood removed a large troublesome metal roof, put on osb decking, membrane, ice shielding, flashing, shingles, and replaced some of our 14″ metal facia. Our roof has a very steep pitch and 4 dormers. Again, not an easy job. Their price was not the lowest but they came through for us in quality of work. We really enjoyed having the team around. And it absolutely was a full Oakwood team effort on this job. We would absolutely refer Oakwood Roofing. They are really busy, be patient and you won’t be disappointed.

-Darlene, Google

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5. Advanced Level Roofing

Advanced Level Roofing

Advanced Level Roofing is committed to being the top choice for roofing and siding for many Canadians. The contractors operate as roofing experts in Manitoba and other western Canadian provinces. So, with Advanced Level Roofing, homeowners will find the best roofing and siding services and one of the top attic restoration companies in Winnipeg. In addition to its focus on high-quality work, Advanced Level Roofing is committed to using sustainable renovation and contracting practices.

Key Services & Features

– Attic restoration, including insulation removal and installation
– Roofing and siding contractor
– Commercial and residential roofing and siding
– Eavestrough, soffit, and fascia installations
– Hail damage repairs
– Solutions for heat loss or ice damming and condensation issues
– Contracting services in Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Kelowna

Customer Feedback

We just got our roof done and all I can say is that if you’re looking for a professional and reliable roofing company that does top notch work and makes sure everything runs smoothly then definitely go with advance level roofing.. when it was done they came back to make sure the work was done perfectly and if we had any issues or questions.. they made sure we were satisfied and we definitely were.. clean up was a breeze as they took care of everything!! Recommended them to my neighbours and friends!!!

-Jaynee, Google

How to find an Attic Restoration Company in Winnipeg

The top attic restoration companies are listed above for several reasons. When looking for contractors to work on any part of your home, it is essential to look for certain things in each company. Winnipeg’s top attic restoration companies and other contractors, as vetted by RenovationFind, are chosen for several reasons:

Continued success

Find a contractor or attic company in Winnipeg with positive reviews and portfolios that show off their previous projects. They should also have a good track record with previous customers and within the industry. Be sure to check their references!


The contractor’s experience plays a significant role in any home renovation. Those attic restoration companies with experience (and on our list, some have multiple decades worth!) in the field have witnessed numerous issues. And with those issues, they’ve created multiple solutions for attics and homeowners.

Training and certifications

Professional attic restoration companies need to have several different types of training. This includes training in safety, workmanship, customer service, and Winnipeg building codes. In addition, they must carry provincial business licenses, liability insurance, and worker’s compensation. Most home renovation companies in Winnipeg are happy to share information about certificates, education, experience, and associations.

If you suspect you have attic issues, call one a RenovationFind Certified attic restoration company in Winnipeg today!

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The Top 5 Painting Contractors in Ottawa

Best Painters in Ottawa

Over time, the colour on our walls fades or goes out of style. You might have also grown tired of looking at the same wall colour every day. Regardless, a new coat of paint is a great way to freshen up your home or business and brighten your life. The following professional painting companies will be happy to help you update your property with a beautiful new paint application.

Services to look for in a painting company in Ottawa

Proper preparation

Any experienced painting company will tell you that proper preparation is crucial for a flawless paint application. So why would you hire a company that doesn’t take care of the prep work? Proper preparation doesn’t just mean cleaning the walls (although they should do this too). It also means moving your furniture, protecting what cannot be moved and removing fixtures. It also requires minor drywall repair, filling pinholes, sanding and more.

Furthermore, it’s key to properly prep the actual surfaces that will be painted. Professional painters in Ottawa will fix any flaws in your walls and clean them before lifting their rollers. This ensures a smooth, long-lasting finish. If you’re having the exterior of your building painting, the surfaces should be power washed beforehand.

Drywall repair

Minor drywall repair is another important step in preparing your walls for paint. It’s a waste of time, energy, and money to paint damaged interior walls. That’s why professional painters will repair and patch the drywall before beginning. The new topcoat may flake off if the drywall is not repaired first. Furthermore, the existing damage will likely remain visible, and your walls will have aesthetic flaws even after a new paint job.

Power washing

The siding or stucco on the exterior of your building cannot be repainted unless it is first cleaned. Consequently, power washing is an essential first step. It removes algae, grime, dirt, and mould that builds up over time. Exterior paint can then be applied to this clean and smooth surface. The end result looks better and lasts longer.

Colour consultation

Picking the perfect colour for your home or business is challenging. After all, you’ll be looking at this colour every day! Plus, the colour of your walls helps set the tone for your daily life. If you’re having your business painted, then the colour should make a positive and welcoming first impression with clients. So no matter your situation, colour selection is an important decision.

Some painting companies in Ottawa offer colour consultations to help you make the right choice. With their design expertise, a deep knowledge of colours, and an understanding of current trends, colour selection will be a breeze!

Cabinet refinishing

Is your kitchen desperate for a facelift… but you’re reluctant to do a complete kitchen remodel because of the cost? Even replacing your kitchen cabinets comes with a hefty price tag. Refinishing your cabinets is a great alternative. It’s much more affordable and completely updates your kitchen in less time. Your faded, drab, stained, and outdated cabinets will be transformed into something you love to look at. 

Full clean up

Once the paint job is done and the painters have gone home, the only evidence of their presence should be your beautiful new walls. You should never have to clean up your space after a painting project. That’s the responsibility of your painting company.

Professional painters understand that cleaning up is just as important as the quality of their work. After all, it’s hard to be impressed with your new walls if your home or business is a mess! Ottawa’s top painting companies will dispose of all debris from work areas, dust, sweep, vacuum, and put your room back together.

In no particular order, here are the best painters in Ottawa:

Table of Contents

1. Ottawa Quality Painting

Ottawa Quality Painting provides residential and commercial clients with exterior and interior painting services. With more than 11 years of painting experience and hundreds of completed projects, they have a proven reputation for quality results. Furthermore, they have built strong relationships with local interior designers who can help you select the perfect colours for your home or business. If your painting project costs more than $3500, Ottawa Quality Painting will pay for this colour consultation.

Ottawa Quality Painting isn’t just one of the best painting companies in Ottawa. They also provide expert home renovation and remodelling services. This includes everything from kitchen remodels to bathroom renovations to basement developments. In addition, they offer hardwood, tile, laminate, vinyl, and carpet flooring installations.

Key Services & Features

– Painting services for residential and commercial properties
– Exterior and interior painting
– Colour consultations
– Other services include: general contracting, property maintenance

Customer Feedback

I used Josh and his team at OQP for a complete home paint job and was extremely impressed with the quality of their work and the level of professionalism day in and day out. Ottawa Quality Painting offered creative solutions to our painting needs, provided guidance in product selections, and addressed any deficiencies without hesitation. A strong recommendation for anyone looking for a quality painting company.

– Mike, Google

2. Handyman Connection

If you need any kind of home improvement, Handyman Connection can help. Their extensive services include carpentry, deck and fence building, electrical, flooring, property maintenance, and painting. In addition, every one of their painters in Ottawa has been fully background-checked and has more than 10 years of industry experience. This ensures high-quality results and lets you feel at ease as they paint your home.

In addition, Handyman Connection has a tried and true process. Before painting begins, they prep the area by removing fixtures, laying painter’s tape, and applying primer. Once the paint has been applied and you are satisfied with the appearance, they touch up trim pieces, replace all the fixtures, and clean up. Your walls will look fantastic, and your space will be pristine! Handyman Connection specializes in a wide range of painting services, including hanging wallpaper, faux finish painting, and staining.

Key Services & Features

– Painting services for residential and commercial properties
– Exterior and interior painting
– Wallpaper application
– Other services include: drywall repair, pressure washing, handyman services

Customer Feedback

We called The Handyman Connection and they were great to deal with. Dan came to our house for an estimate to paint some walls in the basement. He was able to paint that same day after we approved the estimate. His work was excellent. Very neat, efficient and he was very pleasant. He also followed all Covid regulations.

– Bill, Google

3. Russell & Cassidy Painting

Russell & Cassidy Painting has more than 40 years of combined professional painting experience. They have demonstrated strict adherence to professional standards, clear communication, and clean operations through their many years in business. Plus, you don’t pay a dime until you are satisfied with the final product. They also ensure to exclusively hire knowledgeable professionals who can deliver high-quality results. That’s why Russell & Cassidy Painting has a long list of happy clients and has earned countless referrals and repeat customers.

And that’s not all! They also use premium materials, such as eco-friendly paints with low or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These are better for the planet and safer for you and your family. Lastly, Russell & Cassidy Painting are expert residential and commercial painters in Ottawa. They have provided painting services for offices, restaurants, retail stores, warehouses, government facilities, and more.

Key Services & Features

– Painting services for residential and commercial properties
– Exterior and interior painting
– Eco-friendly paint with low or no VOCs
– Other services include: drywall repair

Customer Feedback

We worked with Josh and his team in June 2021 and we were very happy with our experience. We had tight timelines we needed to work with, and Josh was very accommodating and gave us good advice. His team painted the interior of our entire home, and did stucco (popcorn ceiling) removal as well. After the job was done, Josh offered to come back to do any touch ups, which was incredibly appreciated. Josh was proactive, communicative and understood how important this project was to us. We trusted him and his team in our home, and we would happily work with them again! The price was excellent, and the work was finished on time. We have already recommended his team to friends!

– Caitlin, Google

4. Spray-Net Ottawa-West

Spray-Net Ottawa-West specializes in exterior painting for residential properties. Their permanent paint solutions instantly beautify your home and boost your house’s curb appeal. This is ideal if your home’s exterior needs a facelift or if you’re hoping to sell anytime soon. They are highly experienced in all forms of exterior painting, including the painting of aluminum and vinyl siding, brick, fibre cement, wood, and stucco.

In addition, Spray-Net Ottawa-West can revamp front doors, garage doors, and windows on-site. This is due to their expert preparation and use of advanced polyurethane coating. They have also added kitchen cabinet painting to their list of great services. All in all, Spray-Net Ottawa-West delivers professional and timely results no matter the size of your project. If you’re looking for experienced exterior painters, Ottawa homeowners can contact Spray-Net Ottawa-West for a free quote.

Key Services & Features

– Painting services for residential and commercial properties
– Exterior and interior painting
– Cabinet refinishing
– Stucco refinishing and siding painting

Customer Feedback

Our house was white and Spray Net painted it a dark grey. It looks fabulous and the house looks totally updated. The guys were very professional in their work and very respectful. They asked us about small details and what they recommended would look better. We went along with their ideas and really love the new look of our home. We would definitely recommend them. Even neighbours came to have a look. Our home is located on the St. Lawrence river and now it looks like home and not a cottage. Thank you Spray Net.

– L. Belland, Google

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5. Esthetic Painting and Decorating

Esthetic Painting and Decorating are one of the oldest painting companies in Ottawa. They opened their doors in 1984 and have painted countless residential, commercial, and specialty buildings since then. They have built strong working relationships within the industry and established a network of experienced and creative craftspeople. As a result, you can be confident that every one of their contractors is qualified, knowledgable, punctual, and produces high-quality work.

Esthetic Painting and Decorating are full-service painters providing wall painting, cabinet refinishing, wallpaper application and removal, and decorative wall finishes. For example, they offer ragging, sponging, Venetian plaster, marbleizing, and antiquing. They also provide exterior deck restoration and finishing. Plus, if you need help choosing colours or decorating your home, they can help.

Key Services & Features

– Painting services for residential, commercial, and industrial properties
– Exterior and interior painting
– Wallpaper application
– Colour consultation and interior decorating services
– Other services include: wallpaper removal, decorative wall finishes

Customer Feedback

John’s provided a fair estimate and asked a lot of good questions. He and his crew were very courteous and trustworthy. The work was conducted in a quality manner and rapidly. Very pleased.

– Jessica, HomeStars

Tips for choosing a professional painting company

Check their credentials

First and foremost, you must check for credentials. For example, the painting company you hire must have valid business licensing, current liability insurance, and WCB coverage. If a company lacks these credentials, do not work with them. They are a not reputable organization. Moreover, hiring them can put you or your home or business at risk in the event of damages or worksite injuries.

Ask for references

A long list of happy past customers is the best indicator of a quality company. That’s why looking into a company’s track record is such a valuable tip. After all, it tells you a lot about their customer service, work quality, and credibility. While online reviews are readily available and easy to access, they can be framed. Consequently, you should ask the company you are considering hiring to provide contact information for three previous customers. This will give you a clear and honest picture of the company.

Choose a RenovationFind Certified company

RenovationFind makes it easy to find reputable, qualified, and trustworthy painters in Ottawa. Every company listed on our free online directory has passed stringent financial and legal background checks. Additionally, they have shown proof of business license, current insurance, and WBC coverage. We also monitor them for customer complaints and ensure they keep up to our high standards. With RenovationFind, you can find a trustworthy company more easily and faster than ever.

The best painters in Ottawa

Use RenovationFind’s Post a Project service! This is an easy way to get quick and accurate estimates from experienced painting companies in Ottawa. First, fill out the online form with your project details. Then, our team will send it to three RenovationFind Certified contractors in your area. These companies will contact you with a free quote for your project, and you can ask any follow-up questions.

Post a Project today!

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RenovationFind Certified is a symbol of integrity held by only the most trustworthy companies in home improvement, service, maintenance.  It increases consumer confidence in your business, giving you an edge over your competition while validating you as the best.


More than an online directory, RenovationFind is Canada’s fastest growing marketing platform for promoting and connecting the best trades, service, and home improvement companies to homeowners.

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EnviroFog Solutions Calgary Company Online Review & Ratings

Protecting homes and families by providing safe, high-quality indoor air quality!

Sean Payne is the Owner and President of EnviroFog Solutions. After working for over 10 years as a Health and Safety Professional, he came across a technology that eliminates mould and pathogens through a Dry Fog process. In addition, it protects homes and businesses from harmful microorganisms.

Sean Payne is passionate about helping people with mould intolerance, environmental sensitivities and immune deficiencies. He felt I had finally found a way to truly help.

The technology is safe and highly effective in providing clean indoor air quality in family homes, hospitals, daycares, gyms, schools, vet clinics, and even airplanes to disinfect and sterilize for people’s safety.

After learning more about the technology developed initially in the US, he recognized the need to bring this to fellow Canadians with EnviroFog Solutions.

We have all witnessed firsthand how viruses can spread with the Coronavirus pandemic and the importance of disinfecting and sterilizing surfaces. In addition to pathogens, mould is a prevalent issue for many homes and businesses, often requiring expensive demolition and repair and the inability to use that space until remediation is completed.

With their Patented EnviroFog Solutions Treatment, they now have a treatment that can be done in as little as 4 hours with no demolition, and it reaches every surface in a house or commercial location. There’s no need for homeowners or employees to do any prep work, as the solution does not leave behind any wet residue or damaged belongings.

EnviroFog Solutions treats the space while your family is vacated or outside business hours with a two-step process. One that disinfects and the second that provides anti-microbial protection.

Their patented delivery process uses EPA (N List), FDA, and Health Canada-registered disinfectant and cold sterilant, which is hospital-grade strength and will eliminate mould, bacteria and viruses, including Human Coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, MRSA, Parvovirus, Canine Distemper Virus and Influenza.

Their product is 10 times more effective than many wet fogging processes. It guarantees that all surfaces and airborne mould spores will be eliminated and pathogen-free after the treatment.

EnviroFog Solutions is here to help you keep your family, friends, pets, employees and customers safe.

This post first appeared on

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