Best Remodel Ideas for Aging In Place

Best Remodel Ideas for Aging In Place

Your home is your ultimate comfort place. You want to stay in your home for as long as possible. As more Americans get older, more are considering how best to “age in place.” If your house is older, that could mean making updates to your home. 

Of course, individual health needs will need to be taken into account and you’ll want to talk with a professional remodeling services company to figure out what updates are best for your home. Despite this, there are some updates you can make to make growing old easier.

  1. Update your flooring
    Falls can become more serious the older you are. As you get older, you might want to consider changing out any hardwood or tile floors for carpet or even nonslip flooring. Non-Slip flooring is perfect in high-risk areas like bathrooms and kitchens. 
  2. Bathrooms
    Since bathrooms are high-risk areas, it’s important to take preventative measures. Installing a walk-in shower or tub before you actually need it can save you time and money. Depending on individual needs and your bathroom, this might be costly but ultimately, it will be worth it.
  3. Hand railings
    This is one of the easier remodels to accomplish, and the earlier it can be done the better. Installing a railing on any stairway in your home can help with balance and give an added sense of security. An unsteady handrailing is dangerous though. That’s why it’s important to call a professional remodeling services company to do any and all railing installations and repairs. 

Aging in place is different for everyone. Talking about options with a remodeling services company like Handyman Connection will help you prepare and do everything you can to make sure you or your loved ones can age in place in the comfort of their own home. 

*Not all services provided in all areas, check with your local office.

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How to Avoid Remodeling Mistakes

Mistakes happen in every area of life — even home remodels. Mistakes and hiccups can and will pop up when you’re remodeling, and they can be costly.

Regardless of the actual size of the mistake, it’ll feel like the end of the world when it happens. Most mistakes can be easy to recover from and even easier to avoid. 

When do mistakes happen the most? 

Mistakes happen before the remodel even begins. Ordering the wrong supplies, measuring things wrong, and not setting a realistic budget can throw wrenches into your remodeling job. The worst part? These mistakes won’t be caught until later, when the work’s already begun.

Despite that, it’s not the end of the world. You can avoid these mistakes by triple checking everything. Measure spaces before ordering appliances or materials, get inspections ahead of time and work with a remodeling services professional to make sure you’re setting a high enough budget. 

Pro-Tip: Since mistakes do happen even in the best case scenarios, leave a little room in your budget for when these mistakes come up. 

How do I avoid mistakes in my home remodeling job? 

The best way to avoid mistakes is by preparing against them. When you’re looking into various remodeling services, you can look at customer reviews and talk things out to make sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid mistakes.

While there’s no guarantee of avoiding mistakes or hiccups during a remodeling project, hiring a professional company is the best way to minimize them. 

Our craftsmen at Handyman Connection have perfected their practice and learning how to avoid mistakes so you can rest assured that your job is done right the first time around. 

*Not all services provided in all areas, check with your local office.

The post How to Avoid Remodeling Mistakes appeared first on Handyman Connection.

How to save during a home remodel

Remodeling your home can be expensive. While you expect it to a certain degree, you’re probably trying to save as much money as possible. It’s hard to tell how much a remodel is going to cost, but there are ways to save. 

  1. Make a Budget
    It might seem like a basic first step, but one of the best ways to save money is to make a budget. By knowing exactly how much money you want to spend and what you’re working with, it’s easier to stay on track and save money. The budget might vary depending on what remodeling services you’d be looking into, but having one keeps you a step ahead. 
  2. Prepare, not repair. 
    It might sound counter-intuitive, but planning your remodels for sooner rather than later can actually save you money. If you know there’s an area of your home that needs upgrades and updates, consider renovating early. Installing a new kitchen floor and checking on your plumbing is way less expensive than replacing a kitchen floor due to flood damage. 

Would I save money by doing the work myself?

Doing a remodel yourself can be rewarding. If you have the experience necessary and can call on some help, it could save you money. But oftentimes, home remodels are not a one or even two-person job and that’s where mistakes can happen. 

Hiring a professional remodeling services company will save you time and money by doing the job right the first time. Their crews are professional and experienced, meaning you won’t have to go back and fix anything. Completing a home remodel can be a rewarding experience. If you have the knowledge and resources to update your home, completing a renovation yourself can save you money. However, if you don’t have the time or the necessary skills, it can cost you more money in the long-run. 

Interested in what remodeling services would be right for your home? Reach out to Handyman Connection to discuss options for your next remodel project.

*Not all services provided in all areas, check with your local office.

The post How to save during a home remodel appeared first on Handyman Connection.

Kitchen remodeling for the holidays

Holiday season is quickly approaching. If you’re hosting your family or any sort of holiday party this season, you’re probably thinking of ways to spruce up your kitchen space. This time of year can be stressful enough without considering a remodel, but a kitchen makeover could be just what you need.

When it comes to updating your kitchen, there are several different aspects to consider. Around this time of year, the most important thing to consider when looking into remodeling services is how it can help you with the holidays.

More storage space 

Storage space is a welcome addition in any kitchen, no matter the size. Extending counter space and adding hanging cabinets are a great way to add to existing storage. During your consultation, a craftsman can help you figure out unique ways to add to your storage. 

Updated Lighting 

New lighting is a great way to liven up any space. Regardless of if you like having company while you cook or if you like to cook alone, you want it to be a place that puts you at peace. Updated lighting fixtures is just one remodeling service that’s relatively quick and easy, leaving you more time to prepare. 

Additional Aesthetics

Looking for other quick and easy additions to add to your kitchen? Things like a fresh coat of paint and new countertops are relatively easy to install and of minor or little cost to you. But new appliances can give your kitchen a more modern look and make your job easier around the holidays. 

But is it too stressful? 

Remodeling your kitchen doesn’t have to be stressful. When working with professionals, you can rest easy knowing the job will get done on time and on budget. Whatever remodeling services you’re interested in, a craftsman at Handyman Connection can talk about your options. 

*Not all services provided in all areas, check with your local office.

The post Kitchen remodeling for the holidays appeared first on Handyman Connection.

How to paint kitchen cabinets

It’s been a few years since you’ve moved into your house. When you first moved in you had all of these ideas about renovating the place and a large collection of Pinterest images of your dream kitchen. Now, you’ve made up your mind and are ready to start renovating your kitchen. At this point, nobody can stop you.

But then, you start to think if you really want to go through all the trouble of a full revamp and feel like a refresh might do just the trick. Even better! We think that giving your kitchen a small refresh, like painting the kitchen cabinets, will actually have a big impact on the overall look. Now, all you have to do is put your sleeves up and get to work. Wonder how to do it? Keep on reading.

  1. Pick a colour, any colour.

When it comes to choosing the right colour for your own kitchen, there is no right or wrong answer. However, it is important to pick the right colour the first time around, as the last thing you want is to re-paint your cabinets right after painting them. The easiest way to see which colour suits your kitchen is to get a few colour samples, tape them to the current cabinets and see how you feel.

  1. Preparation is key.

Start by removing the doors, drawers and all hardware (hinges and door handles). Don’t think that you can skip this step and decide to paint over the hinges and door handles – trust us, it’s not a good idea.

Make a quick sketch of all the doors and drawers in your kitchen and number them. Then, label the doors and drawers with the corresponding number. The last you’ll want to be doing after all your hard work is to be guessing where everything goes.

Next, time to clean! Wipe everything down with a grease remover. This is a very important step because paint won’t stick to greasy cabinets.

  1. Sand it down.

Sand everything with a medium grip sandpaper. This will help the paint stick to the surface. Fold the sandpaper in half to get into the detailed areas on doors, drawers and door frames. After sanding, don’t forget to clean all the surfaces with a vacuum cleaner. 

  1. Don’t forget to prime.

Primer will also help the paint stick to the surface plus, it will cover any imperfections.

Top tip: if you have oak cabinets and are looking for a smooth finish, we would recommend filling the open pores before painting with several coats of primer or with spackling paste.

  1. Embody Bob Ross.

This is our favourite bit. Use a paint roller on larger surfaces to speed things up and then use a paintbrush lightly over the surface to ensure there are no roller marks. If you prefer to take your time, use a paintbrush all around. Whilst applying the paint, finish with top-to-bottom strokes along the wood grain.

  1. Assemble and admire.

Finally, let your masterpiece fully dry. Then, follow the sketch you did earlier with the positioning of your kitchen cabinets and put everything back in place.

If all of this seems too much, too time-consuming or you simply don’t want to get your hands dirty, don’t worry – the Squad will come to the rescue. Our team of highly experienced decorators in London will be able to give your kitchen cabinets a new lick of paint whilst you put your feet up and enjoy a warm cuppa. Request a free quote today by filling our online booking form or give us a call on 0800-0-12-12-12.



At the Handy Squad we strongly advise that you always take safety precautions into consideration when undertaking a DIY project. We also strongly suggest that you closely read and follow the instructions, that are provided by the manufacturer, of any building materials, products or tools you use for your projects.

Our aim is to provide you with clear and correct instructions, so that you can easily complete any DIY project you desire. However, please note that the information we provide should only be used as a guideline and that some information within the text may not be entirely accurate.

When using our articles for information and advice, please note that it is your own responsibility to determine whether you are capable of undertaking and executing the task you wish to complete.

Before starting a DIY task, it is essential that you inform yourself of any existing building, gas, water and electrical works regulations. If you were to have any further concerns, we recommend that you complete additional research and/or contact the necessary professional body.

We also strongly recommend that a qualified tradesperson completes the relevant safety tests and checks on any DIY work you have completed. 

The post How to paint kitchen cabinets appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.

How to repair a broken tile

Tiles are known for their durability and low maintenance. However, tiles can eventually crack when exposed to pressure changes, normal ageing or a sharp blow from a heavy object.

Maybe you were minding your own business making dinner and dropped your large Paella cooking pan on the floor. Thankfully, the food is still intact and smells amazing, but there is some bad news… a crack on the floor tile. Some good news is that it was only a hairline crack.

Even though it was such a small crack, you kept thinking about it and it even felt like it was looking at you every time you walked by. It’s time to do something about it. That’s where we come in – continue reading to figure out how to make this sight for sore eyes gone for good.

How to repair a hairline tile crack

If the tile in question simply has a small hairline crack, there is a temporary solution – to cover it with paint.

  1. Find a paint that matches the colour of the tile and mix it with tile filler.
  2. Clean the tile with a cloth and soapy water, rinse it and allow it to completely dry.
  3. Carefully paint the crack with a small brush or a cotton bud.

How to repair a deeper tile crack

If the tile crack is deeper than a hairline or if the tile has broken into two pieces, we would recommend removing the tile and replacing it for a new one.

      1. Place tape around the surrounding tiles to prevent any damage.
      2. Remove the cracked tile’s grout with a grout remover.
      3. Carefully drill holes into the tile. (Don’t drill too deeply, you only want to loosen the tile)
      4. Gently chip the damaged tile away and remove any old adhesive from underneath.
      5. Clean the area before laying a new tile.


      6. Put adhesive on the back of the tile and fit it in place.

      7. Fill the joints with new grout, wait for it to settle and then clean any excess off.

      If you don’t feel confident enough carrying out this task, we are here to help. At the Handy Squad, we have a team of highly experienced London tilers who will help you with any tiling needs you require. Request a free quote today by filling our online booking form or give us a call on 0800-0-12-12-12.



      At the Handy Squad we strongly advise that you always take safety precautions into consideration when undertaking a DIY project. We also strongly suggest that you closely read and follow the instructions, that are provided by the manufacturer, of any building materials, products or tools you use for your projects.

      Our aim is to provide you with clear and correct instructions, so that you can easily complete any DIY project you desire. However, please note that the information we provide should only be used as a guideline and that some information within the text may not be entirely accurate.

      When using our articles for information and advice, please note that it is your own responsibility to determine whether you are capable of undertaking and executing the task you wish to complete.

      Before starting a DIY task, it is essential that you inform yourself of any existing building, gas, water and electrical works regulations. If you were to have any further concerns, we recommend that you complete additional research and/or contact the necessary professional body.

      We also strongly recommend that a qualified tradesperson completes the relevant safety tests and checks on any DIY work you have completed. 

      The post How to repair a broken tile appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.

How to unblock a sink

After a long day at work, you get home and are ready to eat a comforting meal and put your feet up. However, when you get to the kitchen, something is not right – there is an extremely unpleasant smell coming from the sink. You’ve decided to run the tap for a while and the water is taking a good few minutes to drain plus, there is this strange gurgling sound… We’re afraid you have a blocked sink.

We know this is the last thing you wanted to worry about when you got home, but you’ll have to do something about it. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to tackle this problem.

  1. Get out the plunger.

Guess what? This is the perfect moment to use that plunger that you thought you throwing out a couple of times because you haven’t used it since you’ve bought it. Dig it out from your appliances room and get to work.

Place the plunger over the plughole in your sink and cover with water to create an airtight seal. Grip the handle with both hands and pump it up and down – this will suck the air out of the pipe and force it back in. Fill the sink up and if it drains quickly, you know the blockage is clear!

If you don’t have a plunger and it’s too late to go to your nearest shop to get one, move on to the tips below.

  1. Blast it with water.

A high-pressure blast of water might be able to push out whatever is blocking the sink. Simply take a 2-litre drink bottle and fill it with warm water. Tip it upside down and place the open end down the plughole. At the same time, quickly squeeze the bottle to force the water out of the bottle as fast as possible. 

  1. Use a drain cleaner.

If the plunger and the water pressure didn’t work, it might mean that the blockage is dense and greasy. This means that you’ll need something to break it down.

There are many chemical drain cleaners which work wonders, however, if you don’t have any at home or have no time to go outside to purchase one, you might have to use some items which you’ll find in your kitchen cupboard.

  • Baking soda and vinegar.

Add two teaspoons of baking soda to a cup of white vinegar, then pour the mixture down the plughole. Leave it for a few minutes and then flush the blockage with some hot water.

  • Bleach and hot water.

Pour some bleach through the plughole at night before going to bed and then flush it with hot water in the morning.

  1. Clear out the blockage by hand.

Be aware that you’ll have to get your hands dirty for this one plus, a tough stomach will definitely help. If you are not happy doing this job, give the Squad a call on 0800-0 12 12 12 and we’ll be there in a jiffy.

If none of the methods above have worked, you will have to dive into your kitchen cupboard and wrench off the U-bend of the sink to clear it out by hand.

Firstly, put on a pair of rubber gloves and put down some old towels and a bucket under the U-bend.

Then, use a wrench to slowly unscrew the threaded caps from each side of the U-bend.

Take the U-bend and any dismantled bits to another sink or outside tap. Clean them thoroughly. A wire coat hanger can also help to clean out the inside of the pipe.

Finally, re-attach the U-bend and run the tap to make sure everything you’ve just fitted is watertight.

Still have a blocked sink? Maybe it’s time to call a professional. Our London plumbers are experts at unblocking all plumbing fixtures, from unblocking basins, unblocking baths to unblocking showers and unblocking sinks. Call today on 0800-0 12 12 12 or request a free quote by filling our online form.

The post How to unblock a sink appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.

How to remove wallpaper

Maybe you finally took some days off to renovate your house and decided that the wallpaper (which only looked good in the ‘70s and should have stayed there) in your living room has to go! However, you didn’t think much of it and started to peel it off, after all – how difficult can it really be?

Four hours later and you’re sitting on the floor staring at the wall and thinking “after all that scraping, peeling, how do I still have more than half of the wall with wallpaper?” We feel your pain. Take a deep breath and ring the Squad on 0800-0 12 12 12, we’ll take care of it, so you can actually enjoy your time off and relax.

If you are not ready to quit and want to tackle this job by yourself (good on you!), continue reading below as we explain the best ways to remove wallpaper. We’ve written all about “how to hang wallpaper” and “tips on how to hang wallpaper” but we’ve noticed that we haven’t covered how to remove wallpaper. With our instructions, we are certain that you will be able to remove your wallpaper as painlessly as possible.

Start with some prep work.

Before starting any type of peeling, scraping and asking yourself “why didn’t you just call the Handy Squad?”, you will have to prepare the room. This means, removing everything off the walls, moving or covering nearby furniture and covering the skirting boards.

Also, you will have to determine the type of wallpaper you have plus, whether your walls are plaster or drywall. Plaster is most commonly found in homes that were built more than 50 years ago, whilst drywall has been used in homes for the past 50 years or so. This is important to identify because drywall is more delicate than plaster, meaning you will have to be more careful when removing wallpaper.

To determine the type of wallpaper you have, use a putty knife to loosen a corner of the paper and try to peel it off. If you are one of the lucky ones with strippable wallpaper, it should just peel right off. If the wallpaper peels a bit but leaves a paper backing, then you have peelable wallpaper. If the paper doesn’t peel at all, means that you have a traditional wallpaper that will require some more work, water and a wallpaper stripper (don’t worry, you can do it).

Remove strippable wallpaper.

Step 1

Use a putty knife to loosen the corner of the paper. Use your hands to pull the paper from the wall. You should pull as close to the wall as you can to avoid tearing the paper (if the paper rips, lift another corner and start again). Repeat around the room.

Step 2

Once you’ve removed all the wallpaper, clean the walls with water and soap.

Remove peelable wallpaper.

Step 1.

Peelable wallpaper has a top layer which comes off just like strippable paper, simply loosen the corner with a putty knife and pull the paper off.

Step 2.

Once you’ve removed the top layer off, you’ll be left with the paper backing. To remove this layer, follow the directions below for removing traditional wallpaper.

Remove traditional wallpaper.

Step 1.

Mix hot water and the wallpaper stripper according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Pour this solution into a spray bottle.

Step 2.

Apply the solution to the wall, letting it sit for several minutes.

Step 3.

Use a putty knife to peel off the paper. Work from top to bottom a section at a time. Once you’ve removed the paper from this section, move on to the next section.

Step 4.

Clean the wall with soap and water to remove any residue.

Still no luck? Try a wallpaper steamer.

A wallpaper steamer can be a godsend when your wallpaper seems to refuse to peel off no matter how much you scrape and spray. Simply follow the manufacturer’s directions and you will have a wallpaper free wall in no time.

If you don’t have time to remove your wallpaper or you simply don’t want to get your hands dirty – call the Handy Squad on 0800-0 12 12 12. Our London decorators will be able to remove your wallpaper and paint your walls after (if required). Let us know how we can help, and we’ll be happy to do so. Request a free quote by filling our online booking form.

The post How to remove wallpaper appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.

Tips for optimising the space in your kitchen

In the kitchen, there are a lot of different items that need to be stored and kept tidy when they are not being used. This area of your home is certainly not the place you want to be filled with clutter and loose objects as it might be quite dangerous. There are many ways to optimise the space you’ve got in your kitchen, making it fully organised, thus tidier and neater.

Go big or go home.

If instead of working with the space you’ve got, you want to go all-out and have a full kitchen renovation, our team can give you an extra pair of hands. Our team can install new kitchen units, install new flooring and even redesign the whole area.

Less is more.

Have you been stacking and storing kitchen gadgets that you’ve only used once? The thought of “I might need that again someday” makes you not want to get rid of whatever that is. However, let’s be honest, you end up never using it again and it’s just wasting precious space in your kitchen. It’s time to declutter.

Decluttering might sound quite daunting to many but it’s actually not as bad as it sounds. There are some simple ways of decluttering your kitchen, including:

  • Get rid of unused kitchen utensils. These can be given to charity shops or even sold for a quick buck (if still in good condition and working order).
  • Throw away any expired food.
  • If you have drawers filled with cooking magazines, maybe it’s time to pick your favourite recipes and add them all up in one folder.

Divide and conquer.

After going through your cupboard and drawers, you will be able to sort out the items you want to keep. Then, you can begin to think about how to store them. Drawer dividers and cutlery trays are very handy when organising drawers. They will keep you from spending ages rooting around a drawer full of knives to find your teaspoon.

Make it personal.

Ready-made kitchen furniture might not exactly suit your space the way you dreamt it would. However, custom-made furniture will. Of course, bespoke furniture may be on the more expensive side, but it will help you optimise your space to the maximum. Our carpenters in London are able to create custom-made shelves to help you do just this – optimise space.

Shelves are great pieces of furniture to have in your kitchen. They will take up less space than cupboards and are perfect to show off your favourite kitchen utensils and appliances. You can also place various other items on your shelves, such as spices and condiments, which can be easily reached when you are cooking your world-famous paella.

Size doesn’t matter.

Small kitchens can be decorated to appear larger than they actually are. Colour coordinating, plus using light and neutral colours will help expand the space, giving it the appearance of a larger room and making it look brighter, thus neater. You might be doubting your painting skills or you simply may not want to get your hands dirty with paint? Our London painters are ready to help.

Let there be light.

Keep your windows free of clutter to ensure as much light comes into the room as possible. The absence of clutter will visually create extra space and the additional light will ensure that your kitchen is well-lit, giving it a tidier appearance. In case your kitchen doesn’t have many windows, perhaps installing more lamps or other types of lighting could help immensely. If you need a professional for the job, simply call our electricians in London today.

Our team can help you with many tasks around the house or office. Request a free quote by filling out our online booking form or give our friendly team a call on 0800-0 12 12 12 and let us know how we can help.

The post Tips for optimising the space in your kitchen appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.

How to change a tap washer

The sound of “drip…drip…drip” is not the lullaby you want or need when lying in the comfort of your bed after a long day at work. If you find yourself in this predicament, it’s likely that your leaky tap is a result of a worn tap washer.

This article will help you change a faulty tap washer, but if you simply don’t have enough time to spare to do it yourself, our team of plumbers in London can assist with any of your plumbing needs. So if you’re in need of expert help to fix a leaking tap, install a waste disposal unit or unblock a sink, we’ve got someone for the job. Simply give our team a call on 0800 0 12 12 12 or request a quote by filling in our online booking form.

At the Handy Squad, we recommend that you seek assistance from a professional when undertaking any DIY work at your home or office. For further information, please read our disclaimer at the end of this article.


  • Towel
  • Plug
  • Flat-headed screwdriver
  • Adjustable spanner
  • Tap washer
  • Wire wool


1. Protect your bath or basin

Before starting any work, you’ll want to pop the plug in to prevent losing any small objects – e.g. screws or a wedding ring. It’s also ideal to put a towel in your bath or basin to protect it, in the event that you accidentally drop any tools inside of it – all you want to do is replace your tap washer, not fork out for a whole new bath or basin.


2. Turn the water off

Whether you need to access your mains water supply or simply use your isolation valve, you’re going to need to ensure that the water is turned off. We recommend that you also run your kitchen tap to ensure that any remaining water is drawn out of your plumbing system.


3. Take the tap apart

Using a flat-headed screwdriver, you’re going to remove the top of the tap – it’s likely that you’ll find a screw attached to the tap head. After loosening the screw, remove the head of the tap and expose the valve. Now, undo the valve using your spanner.

Note: If you’re struggling to undo it, you can always hold the tap spout for some extra assistance.


4. Replace the washer

After removing the valve, you’ll be able to see the worn washer – the culprit of all your troubles – in the flesh. Loosen the screw that’s keeping the old tap washer in place and dispose of it before you switch it for a nice shiny new washer of the same size.

5. Reassemble the tap

Now you’ve got your new washer installed, you need to put your tap back together. Replace the screw that keeps the tap washer attached to the stem of the tap. Also, if you wish, you can then wipe the taps interior and exterior down with some wire wool to scrub off any built up limescale.

To reassemble the tap, you need to insert the valve back into the seat of the tap and tighten it using your spanner. Then you can place and secure the head of the tap over the valve by twisting the head clockwise.


6. Put the water back on

Finally, all you need to do is turn your mains water supply on or twist the valve underneath the sink before you’re seconds away from washing any grubby hands or filling up the bath to cool down after a hot day.

If at any point you feel like you need a second pair of hands, don’t hesitate to get in contact with our team. Just give us a call on 0800 0 12 12 12 or fill out our online booking form and we’ll be on the way to your London home in no time – all you need to do is look out for our unmissable yellow scooters.



At the Handy Squad we strongly advise that you always take safety precautions into consideration when undertaking a DIY project. We also strongly suggest that you closely read and follow the instructions, that are provided by the manufacturer, of any building materials, products or tools you use for your projects.

Our aim is to provide you with clear and correct instructions, so that you can easily complete any DIY project you desire. However, please note that the information we provide should only be used as a guideline and that some information within the text may not be entirely accurate.

When using our articles for information and advice, please note that it is your own responsibility to determine whether you are capable of undertaking and executing the task you wish to complete.

Before starting a DIY task, it is essential that you inform yourself of any existing building, gas, water and electrical works regulations. If you were to have any further concerns, we recommend that you complete additional research and/or contact the necessary professional body.

We also strongly recommend that a qualified tradesperson completes the relevant safety tests and checks on any DIY work you have completed. 

The post How to change a tap washer appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.

This website nor its owners are an actual service provider, this website is a referral service. When you place a phone call from this website, it will route you to a licensed, professional service provider that serves your area. For more information refer to our terms of service.


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