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Be a Savvy Renovator: 5 Cost-Saving Tips for Transforming Your Bathroom

As with any home improvement project, you need to be savvy when it comes to costs to prevent you spending more money than you need to. And it can be difficult, sometimes surprises along the way or making unnecessary changes can cause your costs to sky rocket.

When it comes to bathroom renovations, where there is a lot going on ‘under the surface’, it pays to know what to consider before you start and how these considerations can keep your costs under control throughout the project.

1. Work With What You’ve Got

It can be tempting to change the layout of an existing bathroom when renovating. However, changing the location of the toilet – and more specifically, the soil pipe – can be an expensive, labour-intensive job. As such, unless taking on a remodel or extension project, it can pay to leave the toilet where it is and plan around it.

Using graph paper, mark down its location and the positions of any windows and the door as a starting point for your new layout. From here, you can try out different layouts and assess where to position other key items of sanitaryware.

2. Choose Cost-Effective Heating

A towel radiator is a cost-effective solution to creating a comfortable temperature in your bathroom. Dual-fuel towel radiators are a good option for bathrooms as they can be used when the central heating is turned off and some newer models are fully programmable for lower running costs.

While electric underfloor heating mats are cheaper to buy and install, it’s worth weighing up the long-term running costs (wet underfloor heating is often cheaper to run). Installing wet underfloor heating (UFH) can be a little bit trickier because of the depth required for the pipes and screed, but low-profile systems can be a solution here.

(MORE: How much will your bathroom renovation cost?)

3. Check Your Subfloor is Sound

Ensuring the existing subfloor (the floor structure which lies beneath your floor covering) is sound is a key task when renovating a bathroom.

In an older house, the subfloor may need some work; a self-levelling compound may be required to provide a flat, level surface over an existing concrete floor, for instance, while timber floors might need bracing to support the weight of new sanitaryware.

Installing an uncoupling membrane will also help prevent bathroom floor tiles from cracking in homes with timber subfloors.

4. Don’t Forget About ‘Hidden’ Costs

In addition to new bathroom fittings and the cost of any new plumbing and electrical work, there are some less than obvious potential tasks associated with a bathroom renovation project.

For instance, studwork may need to be built (to house a new bath or wall-hung sanitaryware) and the existing walls may require skimming or replastering once old tiles have been removed. It pays to consider these jobs from the outset to ensure you stay on budget.

5. Good Bathroom Lighting and Storage are Essential

A bathroom is a functional space but should also be a place that allows relaxation and sanctuary. As such, it’s worth planning a lighting scheme that offers a solution for both early mornings (downlights are great for general background lighting) as well as relaxing in the bath on a Friday night.

Adequate storage is also a must and a worthwhile investment from the outset. Built-in alcoves and shelves are a good idea, as are freestanding units, which can also create a sense of space without losing sight of bathroom practicalities.

Main image: The Dawn freestanding bath and basin from Waters Baths of Ashbourne

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Update your office paint colours and improve productivity

Choosing the right paint colour for your office or commercial space is a slightly different process than choosing paint colours for your home. When you chose colours for commercial painting in Edmonton, you want ones that will boost the mood and work productivity, while still being visually appealing.

JV Painting and Decorating offer residential and commercial painting in Edmonton. They share some tips for picking the right colours:

Double the benefits: better mood and lower bills 

It comes as no surprise that a happy workplace means increased productivity all around. Choosing the right colours in a room can help do just that. Beyond just boosting mood though, the right colours also play an important role in energy savings as well.

Dark colours tend to absorb more light and will reflect less. Light colours, on the other hand, tend to do the opposite—absorbing less and reflecting more. So, if you find your office space constantly needing the lights on, take a look at those wall colours! For the best energy savings, use lighter colours on the main walls to improve the lighting. Save those darker shades for other specific rooms, or use them as accent colours with the light shades.

Neutral shades: peaceful, calm and orderly

Neutral shades are great for offices with lots of open space or for offices with glass walls. Think of shades such as creams, light teals or beiges. Since these colours aren’t too bright or dominating, they promote a sense of calmness in the workplace. One thing to keep in mind though is not to have too much neutrality, otherwise, it’ll spoil the beneficial effects.

Pairing it with other colours is a great way to balance peace and still keep a sense of productivity. If you have company brand colours, use those to pair together with your neutral shades to pull everything together. Need some ideas? Check out this guide about how to work with neutral paint colours.

Soothing colours: creativity and productivity 

If you need a healthy boost of creativity in your office, then yellow is the way to go. Yellow has been known to stimulate emotions, specifically to do with happiness and creativity. If you use colours like these for your commercial painting services, you don’t necessarily have to paint the entire office. Instead, use stimulating colours on specific rooms like the board room or meeting spaces. That way, when it’s time to discuss ideas or meet with a client, you have the perfect setting for creative flow.

Bold colours: balance and innovation  

Blue, green and red, are the three main primary colours, but they also play primary roles in affecting people’s moods. Blue is all about the mind, so it helps stimulate productivity and focus. Red is about the body and creates a sense of urgency. While green is all about balance and is quite popular for financial offices, as the colour is also associated with money. Depending on how you play with or pair up these colours, you can easily create a specific mood in your office. You can also use them as accent colours to add splashes of balance or productivity, instead of as a main colour. Or, use one colour for a private office or executive space to create the perfect work environment. 

Trust JV Painting and Decorating for all your commercial painting services!

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General Election 2019: Last-Minute Guide to the Main Parties’ Homebuilding Pledges

The nation goes to the polls today to bring an end to a turbulent General Election campaign which saw Prime Minister Boris Johnson steal a journalist’s phone, a Labour minister recorded pooh-poohing his party’s chances, the Lib Dems – the neglected middle-child of Westminster – adhering to their classically anonymous election form, and all the other parties struggling to be heard in a cacophony of soundbites and loud, angry voters telling each other they’re wrong. Shame it has to end, really. 

But buried within the bluster exist very serious proposals pertaining to the self build and wider homebuilding industry. And if your vote is still yet to be cast at the time of reading this, and your decision could still be swayed by promises that may affect your project, whether you are renovating a house, planning a new build or building an extension, here’s a brief guide to what the major parties are offering.

Labour Party

Self build isn’t directly mentioned in Labour’s manifesto, but the party’s pledges to improve energy efficiency in UK homes and introduce a zero-carbon standard for all new homes will significantly influence homebuilding. 

Labour will also build more low-cost homes reserved for first-time buyers and improve energy efficiency in homes across the UK. 

(MORE: In-depth review of the Labour Party’s homebuilding pledges)

Conservative Party

The Conservative’s manifesto is the only one to have directly addressed self build, vowing to help first-time self builders access the Help to Buy scheme using 5% deposit mortgages. 

The Tories will also continue with the struggling pledge to build 300,000 new houses per year, and committed to building at least a million more homes over the next Parliament. 

(MORE: Review of the Conservative Party’s homebuilding pledges)

Liberal Democrats

The Lib Dems will also adopt a zero-carbon standard on new homes, plus Jo Swinson’s party has announced it will invest more than £6bn a year on home insulation and zero-carbon heating by the fifth year of parliament, which will reportedly end fuel poverty by 2025, reduce emissions and cut energy bills. 

The Lib Dems will also require all new homes and non-domestic buildings to be built to a zero-carbon standard by 2021, rising to Passivhaus standard by 2025.

(MOREReview of the Liberal Democrats’ homebuilding pledges)

Green Party

Could this be the year the Greens finally get a majority? Probably not. But the Greens are unsurprisingly leading the way for making sure all new and renovated homes meet the highest possible energy standards, and pledged to build homes that shift to a net zero carbon economy. 

The Greens will also improve home efficiency by reducing the use of natural gas for heating homes through a programme that will replace gas boilers with renewable heat, from heat pumps and stored heat technologies.

Stay tuned for more news as the election results come in.

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How to get your home ready for the holiday season.

Looking forward to the festive season ahead and to having your friends and family around to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year? If you are looking forward to it but haven’t had the time to get anything done around the house or don’t even know how you will find time to do so, don’t worry – the Squad is here to help. Take a deep breath because we’ve put together a list of how to get your home ready for the festivities to make everything easier. However, if you simply don’t have time or don’t want to get your hands dirty, call the Handy Squad and we’ll get your home ready for Christmas in no time.

  1. Declutter, organise and clean.

Decluttering your home is highly important and it should be on the top of your list this Christmas. The last thing you want is for your guests to feel cramped and uncomfortable in your home due to the lack of space, so get it to it!

Go around your home and grab anything you don’t need or want and make three piles: sell, give and throw away. Once you’ve cleared out all these unnecessary belongings, it’s time to organise the ones you decided to keep and to clean everything.

  1. Winter-proof your home.

So, it’s Christmas day and you’re having your family around when your radiators start to make a strange noise and stop working. Your home starts to get home and the only thing you can do is to hand out blankets to everyone.

Before this happens to you, make sure you have your home ready for the cold months and that you’ve serviced your radiators and boilers. Also, don’t forget to draughtproof your windows, doors and other small gaps to ensure the warm air stays in and the cold air stays outside.

Related post: How to winter-proof your home.

  1. Get Christmassy.

Now it’s time to decorate your house. Get all your family members together (because that’s the best way to do it) and put up Christmas lights on the bannister and wherever you feel like they will look good, put up the Christmas tree and any other Christmas decorations you’ve around. Don’t forget to decorate the front garden and your entrance door!

Related: Help to set up your Christmas tree and decorations at home or in the office

If you are more of a Grinch and Christmas is not your thing, we make your life easier as well – we can block up your chimney, so Santa doesn’t stop by yours. However, in case you absolutely love Christmas but can’t find the time to prepare your home for the season, give the Squad a ring on 0800-0-12-12-12 and we’ll be ready to help (no matter if you’ve been nice or naughty this year!).

The post How to get your home ready for the holiday season. appeared first on Handy Squad Handyman London | Fast & Reliable London Handyman.

Concrete driveway designs that’ll help boost curb appeal

If you’re trying to make a good first impression with your curb appeal, then don’t forget your driveway. Even though your driveway is a space for your car to sit, it still plays a big role in overall impressions. Concrete driveways are a durable and long-lasting option, but a plain driveway won’t do you any extra favours.

Con-Tile Industries in Edmonton are a professional concrete contractor company that offers custom concrete designs. They share some curb appeal boosting driveway designs and ideas:

1. Mix and match finishes

If you want to give your driveway a really interesting appearance, then don’t be shy about using more than one finish. Combine a stamped edging with exposed aggregate to create a unique pattern. Or, pair a broom finish with stamped borders all throughout for a more elegant appearance. By mixing styles, you can customize your driveway and give your home an overall unique style. Need some inspiration? Look at these beautiful driveway designs and get some ideas for your own!

2. Add a focal point

Much like adding a focal point inside your home as a feature point of interest, consider the same for the driveway. Not only will this add an eye-catching addition, but it’ll really give your driveway a luxury finish. The designs can be anything from a simple pattern of stamped concrete to more specific designs. Medallions, address numbers or abstract patterns are a few popular choices. You can also make your own pattern by mixing colours and shapes into a new design. Design something that’ll be unique to you and your driveway!

3. Combine the driveway with the walkway

If you have a beautiful driveway pattern in mind, then why stop there? Continue your driveway pattern into a seamless sweep with your walkway up to your front door. This will not only blend the two, but it creates a real feature entrance and walkway for your home. Driveways typically have a separate feel to them, but drawing it into your home’s design will make it look high-end. Not to mention that major overall curb appeal boost!

4. Use colour to add interest and compliment your home

You want your driveway to help boost curb appeal, but you don’t want it to attract too much attention. If you want to add colour to your driveway, then draw tones and colours from your home. If your home has natural stone, used stamped concrete and colour it in rich earthy shades to complement it. Have a more modern home? Stamped can still add curb appeal, but opt for softer greys instead.

Concrete Contractors in Edmonton

At Con-Tile Industries, craftsmanship and customer satisfaction are their top priorities. They pride themselves in their experience, knowledge and skill when it comes to their concrete services. They offer concrete service in driveways, patios, basement floors, garage pads and much more. Whatever design or dream you have in mind, Con-Tile Industries will work with you to make that a reality.

Contact Con-Tile Industries now for all your concrete needs!

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The preparation and process of a professional paint job

Painting is one of the more common home renovation projects that homeowners attempt to DIY. While DIY painting is possible, you’ll achieve flawless results from experienced, professional painters in Surrey. One of the most important parts of any paint job is the preparation, followed by precision and quality control.

Blue Chip Painting in Surrey shares more:

The importance of preparation.

Preparation and can make or break your paint job. Preparation is sometimes the most time-consuming part of painting, but one of the most important. Typically, the difference between a professional-grade paint job and an amateur one is found in how the surface was prepared before any paint went on the wall. Take shortcuts in the prep-work, and you’ll pay the price in poor results.

Preparation for painting includes cleaning, scraping, filling, sanding, caulking and sometimes wallpaper removal. For the exterior, it could include power washing, algae, and moss removal. Once all blemishes have been filled and sanded, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned again. Dust, pet hair, dirt or even the smallest of debris can diminish the finished look of your paint job.

Drop sheets and protective masking are placed on floors, furniture and other items in the renovation space. This will help protect those things and make clean up easier.

Priming and painting with precision.

If you’re worried about your own DIY painting abilities, you’ll save yourself a lot of time and headache hiring a professional painter like Blue Chip Painting. They’ll use high-quality products, and help you determine if your walls need to be primed before painting. After the prep work is done, their highly trained and experienced painters will make short work of painting your home.

Like everything, practice makes perfect. With a steady hand and always consistent coverage, you’ll see how efficient professional painters in Surrey will be completing your painting project. You won’t have to worry about paint on the ceiling or trim, roller lines or gunk stuck in the final coat. A painting company is committed to quality control, ensuring the job is done correctly from start to finish. That is why Blue Chip Painting backs their work with their 5-2-1 Guarantee of Workmanship.

Thorough clean-up finishes the job.

Painting can be messy, but it is less so when you hire professional painters. The best part, they are responsible for all the cleanup! This includes clearing the space of drop cloths, cleaning up any sanding dust, cleaning all equipment and removing any tape that might have been used. When you come back into the finished room, it will be completely rejuvenated, but you won’t be able to tell painters had even been there.

If you don’t think you’re up for a DIY paint job, connect with Blue Chip Painting in Surrey.

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Root of the Problem: Bamboo Owners Urged to be Cautious of up to 30ft Growth

Invasive bamboo can become a major problem for homeowners who may not realise that some varieties can spread up to 30ft, environment specialists have warned.

When bamboo is left unchecked, certain varieties can cross boundaries, cause damage to property and prospectively cause problems with neighbours.

Environet UK, which specialises with invasive plants including Japanese knotweed and bamboo, has issued a warning for those renovating a garden who may not be aware of how certain bamboo can be hard to control. 

Bamboo is optimal for its screening qualities and helping to create privacy, but it has the potential to be damaging to property due to the remarkable distance the roots can travel. 

Certain varieties have large underground roots, and ‘running’ types can grow up to 30ft from the main plant. Bamboo owners will be able to attest to seeing new shoots unexpectedly appearing in new locations, and its powerful growth can push through brickwork, cavity walls and exploit cracks in concrete. 

Nic Seal, MD of Environet UK, said, “If you do decide to plant bamboo, make sure you choose a clumping variety such as Bambusa or Chusquea and avoid the running types which send long roots out spreading many metres from the original plant. It’s also a good idea to place it in a pot or bed which is lined with a strong vertical root barrier designed to contain bamboo.”

Types of running bamboo that can require attentive maintenance include Phyllostachys nigra, ablack bamboo that stands 20-35 feet, and Phyllostachys bambusoides‘Allgold’, which can reach a height of 35 feet. 

Renovating a Garden

If you are planning a garden renovation, there are several ways to ensure that you create a sustainable garden, such as using plants that are productive and wildlife friendly.

Sustainable gardens have the advantage of enabling expressive architecture alongside being able to absorb greenhouse gases, air pollution and dust. 

For example, early- and late-flowering plants provide nectar for insects just after they emerge from or before they enter hibernation.

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4 major benefits of installing a whole-house humidifier

Bad air and pollution aren’t just problems when you are outdoors, they can also be an issue in your own home. Having dry air at home can dry out your skin and your respiratory system, affecting congestion or cause sore throats. It can also affect asthma and allergies by making them worse.

That’s why when it comes to both comfort and health, it’s important to keep your home humidity levels and air quality at its best.

Red Seal Heating and Cooling in Edmonton are a professional HVAC company who provides furnace, A/C and humidifier services. They share some of the benefits that a whole-house humidifier offers you and your home:

1. Improve your overall health 

A humidifier works alongside your heating and cooling system by adding moisture back into the air. In the winter months, in particular, the drier air dries out your skin causing itching or even cracks. Adding moisture back into the air though can help prevent this. It also helps bring back moisture into your nose and lungs, which can become easily dried out. If you often find yourself short of breath, coughing or getting nosebleeds, it’s likely the dry air.

If you’re also looking for an extra combatant against colds, humidifiers help your body and home do just that. Many viruses and allergens that thrive in low humidity, won’t survive long in a high humidity household.

2. Boost overall comfort

In addition to the health benefits, a humidifier will also help you sleep better at night. High humidity will save your respiratory system from drying out in the middle of the night. If you’ve ever been woken up or woke up yourself with a dry throat or coughing, this will help prevent that. It also helps people who normally snore, to snore less. Dry noses make it harder to breathe, which results in more snoring. But the right moisture in the air will keep away the dryness and the snoring!

3. Keep your home in better shape 

If you have real hardwood floors in your home, a humidifier will help keep them from drying out and cracking. Drier air also makes finishing and furniture more vulnerable to shrinking, warping and cracking. Paper, such as books or photos, are also affected as the dry air makes them more brittle. A humidifier though will help keep the air at just the right level of moisture to keep your home in top condition. This will also save you money from any costly repairs as a result of the dry air.

4. Save both energy and money 

The less you find yourself needing to reach for the thermostat, the more money you will save. Luckily, a humidifier can help do that. High humidity actually helps air retain more heat, meaning you will actually feel warmer. So, come those chilly winter months, instead of reaching for the thermostat, use your humidifier instead! Likewise, come summertime, lowering the humidifier will help keep the air cooler.

A whole-home humidifier is attached to your home’s existing HVAC system, so it uses less energy to add humidity to your home. This way, your whole family can benefit from clean air, instead of just one room, and at a less overall expense.

HVAC Companies in Edmonton 

Red Seal Heating and Cooling are a family-owned and operated business that offers quality heating and cooling services. They pride themselves in guaranteeing the best experience and service for each of their customers. Whether you need an installation, repair or just a tune-up, they are the ones to call.

Contact Red Seal Heating and Cooling for a free quote today!

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4 questions to ask yourself before choosing a new patio door

Picking the right patio door is a matter of both functionality and style preference. After all, your patio door will play a role in how much light is let in and will affect energy efficiency and the style of your home. Just as your front door is the feature of your entrance, the patio door is the feature of the back of your home. This is why there are a few questions to ask yourself before you settle on a new patio door.

Networx Windows, Doors, Exteriors in Vancouver are the experts for all thing’s windows, doors, and exteriors. They share some questions to ask before you pick your new patio door:

1. What style do you want? 

First things first, choose a style! Patio doors come in a few different styles that will either complement or add a different style to your home. Sliding doors are both functional and great for small decks or pool sides. French doors are sleek, modern and definitely make your patio entrance a real feature. Or, if you want to really transform your space, consider installing moving glass walls. These will not only maximize light into your home, but it will also give your home a really luxurious look and feel.

2. How much energy-efficiency do you want or need? 

Just like energy-efficiency plays a major role when you pick new windows, so should it play a role in your new door. If you are going for more window space to allow in more light, then look for thicker panes and Low-E coatings. It’s important to invest in your patio glass since it’s a major culprit for heat loss. Particularly so, when the winter months roll around.

Don’t forget to also take the material into consideration. Wood, aluminum, fiberglass, and vinyl, are all popular and available options. Vinyl and fiberglass are particularly high for energy efficiency ratings, whereas aluminum and wood are both low maintenance, and wood offers a touch of ageless beauty.

3. What colour do you want? 

Unlike the front door, your patio door colour won’t affect your curb appeal, but it will play a role in the design of your home. As an easy rule, your patio door colour should match the area around it. Do you have a pool area with tables and chairs? Then go for more pastels and matching blues or whites. Or, do you have a grill or an open garden? Try drawing colours from those, such as greens, pinks or reds. Keep in mind too, that you can paint the interior one colour and the exterior another. That way your patio door will match your home both inside and out! Need ideas? Check out these photos of patio doors for some creative inspiration.

4. Have you considered security? 

Don’t forget to pick a patio door that has the right security measures in place. The type of locks you choose will depend on where the patio door is and what style it is. For example, does it open out onto a raised deck or balcony? Or is it ground level and opens out into your garden or pool area? If you have a sliding glass door, consider adding a security bar for extra safety. For French doors, dual-locking will help double up on security.

Doors in Vancouver 

At Networx Windows, Doors, Exteriors, their goal is to ensure that you get a fit that perfectly meets your budget, design, and energy efficiency goals. Improving your lifestyle and home and making sure it’s at its best is their top priority. When you work with Networx Windows, Doors, Exteriors you can be sure your happiness is their number one goal.

Don’t hesitate to contact them today!

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When to Upgrade Your Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker is an important electrical feature of any home or building. They keep the electrical system regulated and act as a control panel for all the power in the building. Over time, however, they may be in need of a replacement to keep you and other occupants safe and keep the system running without any problems.

Here are some ways to know when your circuit breaker may need an upgrade, from Can Electric Ltd. in Edmonton.

There’s an electrical overload

When your breaker experiences an electrical overload, it means that the breaker can’t handle all the appliances it’s meant to power. This may cause it to trip more often. Installing a new breaker that allows for more devices to run will leave you will less electrical problems. It’s also a safer choice, as a breaker can heat up and lead to the wires fraying. Having an electrician check out your breaker and see if an overload is present will also let you know what you should do next.

The switches are loose

The switches on your breaker should never be loose when switching between the on and off functions. If you find that the switch moves freely between the features, or doesn’t click when set to one side, this may be a problem. This may cause more short circuits, or fuses to be blown more regularly.

Your appliances are performing poorly

Lights flickering, kitchen appliances malfunctioning, or televisions turning off suddenly may be signs that the breaker isn’t working properly. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t always trust it’s an issue with the appliance itself. Their poor performance may have the circuit breaker to blame, if it’s acting faulty, smoking, or hot to the touch.

Electricians in Edmonton     

Can Electric Ltd. is home to your local, Edmonton-based your local, electrical service specialists. They have a wealth of electrical installation and maintenance experience to help create the best customer service possible, offering solutions for almost any residential and commercial electrical services and installation applications. Their professional electricians will provide you with quality services for your homes and businesses promptly and safely.

Need electrical help? Check out Can Electric Ltd. today! 

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More than an online directory, we are Western Canada’s fastest growing marketing platform for promoting and connecting the best trades, service, and home improvement companies to homeowners.

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