Home Improvement: 10 Things to Update Before You Move into Your New Home

Home Improvement: 10 Things to Update Before You Move into Your New Home

You just bought your new home, and you have the move-in day scheduled. But what do you do until then? Before you start bringing in all your belongings, there are some important updates you might want to consider making first. Look at these home improvement projects.

10 Home Improvement Projects

  1. Check and replace any broken or flickering lights in your home. Make sure everything is lit up properly and install lights into rooms that are dark to make them look more inviting and comfortable.
  2. Install curtains or blinds in your windows to create privacy.
  3. Check all doors and windows for drafts. This might be hard to do in the warmer months but see if your doors have a gap that can be covered with a weather strip. 
  4. Install carbon monoxide and smoke detectors right away.
  5. Install a security system to keep your home safe before you move in.
  6. Replace old locks. If you are not the first homeowner, replace the locks to ensure you know who only has access to your house.
  7. Before you bring in the furniture, this is the time to redo the floors! Change the carpet or put new flooring in the kitchen.
  8. Paint first while nothing is in any of your rooms. Give the house a fresh-new look according to your tastes.
  9. Winterize your home—make sure everything is draft-proof and the rooms and attic are properly insulated.
  10. Customize your closets and storage spaces to make them exactly what you need. Add more shelving, expand your space, and more.

Start creating the home you have always wanted with these top tips. Home improvement projects are a great way to up the quality of your home and how you can use your space. From installing new flooring, painting, and customizing, doing all this before the furniture comes in is a convenient idea.

Contact Handyman Connection

Call or text Handyman Connection to get started on your next project. Contact our team to schedule a free consultation about our home improvement services.

The post Home Improvement: 10 Things to Update Before You Move into Your New Home appeared first on Handyman Corporate.

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