Written by SolarNinja Energy Solutions in Edmonton

SolarNinjas Energy Solutions is able to cut your energy bills and beautify your property with solar panel installations. We can help protect your home with complete electrical & digital services then shield your cash flow with green financing! Our approach is based on a focus on client education, engineering, and premium service so your project is tailored to your goals and needs.
Our customers receive up to $4,000 from the Edmonton City Solar Rebate Program.
Why go solar in Edmonton?
1. Protection from rate hikes
2. Eliminate energy bills up to 100% (or more)
3. Better solar performance than most of Canada
4. Protect the environment and contribute to a solution for climate change
5. Buy local and create local jobs
6. Reduce strain on the grid and encourage adoption of green energy
SolarNinjas will provide you with a free consultation and project budget. We will also help identify any other issues such as a roof or electrical repair that may need to be addressed before going ahead with solar. We can provide a trusted contractor for premium service or any repairs you may require along the way. SolarNinjas is here to make sure your home infrastructure and specific needs are identified and clear. This will help you can make the best decisions possible. Solar is a beautiful and powerful asset that continues to pay for itself for generations. We we are proud to be your partner in this process.
Evening and weekend availability for consults is a part of our model. Book time that makes sense for your schedule.
Best of all, your entire project can be financed with rates as low as Prime +1%, for as little as $120 per month. These financing options allow you to direct your capital to higher return investments and improving your monthly cash flow. Through SolarNinjas you can access the government-backed ATB Solar Loans program. With this program, we can secure financing up to $60,000 for homes and millions for businesses for solar integrated projects. We will process your application directly with the underwriters so you have a smooth process from start to finish.
Interested in a whole-home approach?
SolarNinjas and our trusted partners can help integrate your solar panel and electrical work with any level of home efficiency renovations such as attic insulation, furnace and hot water tank replacement, windows and doors, even complete home exterior upgrades in order to take advantage of the Edmonton Home Energy Retrofit Rebate Program.
A consult on this holistic approach is free. We are happy to have a zoom or in-person education session to discuss your goals and provide whatever guidance is required.
Tie in an electric vehicle charger with an additional Rebate from the City of Edmonton.
Get in touch with us!
SolarNinjas is here to organize your options, help you decide, and provide the services you choose.
Solar panel installations add to home value, to the planet, and to our local energy grid. Take advantage of our industry-leading expertise by booking an education session today!
Email to: [email protected] or phone:780-920-9120
This post first appeared on https://blog.renovationfind.com